How did he manage to f*ck up so badly, I don't know. My wife had just got back in the car so he couldn't just "drive away". He took responsibility for the damage. He said he was looking at the mopped parked dead center in the parking spot on his left but failed to monitor the big red car on his right!
First, very sorry that happened Second, I LOVE those cameras! They have made dealing with insurance so much easier and less stressful They are one of the reasons I am driving a Tesla again
No, he couldn't call is insurance because he doesn't have a cell phone, from what he said. My wife did say she smell alcohol coming from him when she talked to our insurance company rep. They immediately transferred her to 911. We had to wait for the police to show up before leaving and if he left before they showed up, we were told to call back 911. He stayed and it looks like they were about to have him pass a sobriety test but we left before it was over. It had nothing to do with us anymore.