Ok my Prius brakes have failed. and I can remove and install the new parts but from what I read I would need to have it reprogram. what tools would I need to reprograms it. is it a software? I called the dealer they said they would not reprogram it if I did the install myself
If you're replacing the the brake booster/master cylinder, there are different part numbers (say for Prius liftback with 15" wheels, with 17" wheels, or Prius v wagon) and those come programmed for those different cars. As long as you get the right one, no worries. Buying used, you take a risk on whether the seller knows which unit he's got. And a used one might not have been updated to the latest firmware, and that might be worth doing. The right new one from Toyota should be fine. It does need a couple things done after installation: bleeding of air, and learning a linear solenoid offset (sounds technical but you don't need to know any intricacies of that, the thing just does it when told). A suitable scan tool is used to tell it to do these things, but to call that "programming" seems a little grandiose ... like buying a clock and saying you're "programming" it when you set the right time.
how do i know which part would match my car. i have the prius with the 17 inch wheel, dual led projector and adaptive cruise
You can go to an online Toyota dealer, enter your car, find the part and verify the vin before purchase. Some online dealers are less than others and some add discounts in the cart especially if there is a sale. Examples: Your Source for Genuine Toyota Online Parts | McGeorge Toyota Parts https://www.toyotapartsdeal.com Sometimes you can find a local dealer where you can ship to store saving shipping costs. Genuine Toyota Parts and Accessories: Official Online Store Toyota of Cavender Toyota Buying used you need to know the vin of the donor car and do the above to verify the part number you found for your car is the same. This is a riskier route since it could be the right part but bad. A quick look came up with four different 2010 Prius part numbers on one site plus one part number for the pump, which can also be bad. Examples from McGeorge link: Pump: