Seems to be coming from the right side of the engine bay. It is really loud and aggressive on a cold start up, correlating with revvs up and down and sounds horrible when it peaks out, like the car is shaking trim off or something. Quiets most of the way down after the car has been running for a while. It's relatively mild in the video as it has been running for a couple minutes. I have tried ruling out loose parts/trim as much as possible in the bay. Seems related to exhaust to me, as it is a hollow, metallic, high frequency, low pitch buzzing with felt vibrations in the cabin. 215k miles. I have dealt with startup shake due to misfires etc. and this feels different. Could it possibly be the issue in this video?
I wouldn't be looking for that noise you have to be this problem but it is remotely possible I have this going on in a another model of Prius now and definitely not any heat shields or any of that
Sorry I don't understand your first sentiment... And you have a gen 2 also making this sound? Or a different gen.
Sounds like an air leak from the air filter housing. Usually the clips are a little bit loose and air sneaks in around the gasket of the filter. Press on the top cover and see if the sound goes away. Put your hand on various parts and see if you can get it to stop. Spend some time with it. This one should be easy. If it's under the car, sometimes a heat shield vibrates like the one that's bolted to the catalytic converter or sometimes the flat one that's under the cat bolted to the car. There are various things like that work your way around and touch stuff
Yes pressing on everything I can in the bay is what I have tried so far. I will go try some stuff again based on your suspicions. In person, the sound seems as if it's emanating from the right of the air box, under the coolant tank somewhere... but impossible to say for sure as it reverberates through the whole bay and buzzes everything. Thanks for the reply.
Opposite side that the noise seems to be originating from -- slightly towards the drivers side of the bay. Sorry if "right side" was confusing. I will reupload the now expired video soon.
So when you are pressing down on your air cleaner or whatever you're touching that's connected to the engine the valve cover might be hot some most won't press on that probably I'm assuming this is on a warmed up engine or even if it's not when you're pressing down on that valve cover does it feel like that rattling is going right through your elbows? If you take a long metal bar like a long extension that you put a socket and a ratchet on the other end you know it has to squares on it and stick it down between the engine and the transmission and put your ear to the end that's not touching the engine Do you hear that clacking rattling going on? Shields generally don't really sound like that to me anyway and when they start doing that because of wallowed out holes compressed washers with the steel wool in between them all of that nonsense I just undo them usually pull them right off with my hand and shut them over in the pile with all the other ones not even in Texas has this made any difference well at least when I'm driving through the heat shields missing that is but I've only done this like once most of my cars they're all intact they don't rattle and I'm sitting at 300,000 and two of them 257 and another so and I'm in the dead heat in the south. Underbody plastics I'm missing the heat shields pretty much all intact at that mileage and not rattling or doing anything I mean the car doesn't vibrate enough to make very much rattle to be honest with you if it does you probably need to find out what's oscillating and vibrating to cause the rattling certainly not normal with the car.
I did some more listening and now I feel that the sound is actually coming from the engine or something attached to it, near cylinder 4. It is extremely hard to pinpoint because it only happens during higher revs; in maintenance mode the revs are too low on the warmed up engine to produce the sound. I will feel up the valve cover near #4 next cold start. here is the video that's now a dead link in the OP, until a mod edits it back into the OP:
new video, hopefully the sound is more clear as it really flares up towards the end when the engine is getting ready to shut off. Pressed all around everything, cannot affect the sound at all, valve cover feels normal etc.
I can only assure you that video was taken after pressing on all the parts again including putting serious weight on the airbox, and wasn't intended to show me testing parts. Was just fingering around still while mostly trying to catch the sound with the microphone. It's 100% not the air box or anything else visible from the top of the bay, at least not in a way that stops with pressure.
Any codes coming out? Try pressing on the exhaust manifold heat shield as well. Sometimes the exhaust rattles against a heat shield somewhere further back in the car and it sounds like it's coming from there.
Actually already had that on the docket since this is a new-to-me, so did both as well as ran a BG hybrid repair kit. No change in the buzzing aside from a slight volume decrease corresponding with a slightly smoother engine in general after the cleanings and treatments. I might still have to try this next time I can get a wheel off, as my approximation of the source keeps moving around on me on different days, listening from different angles... as evidenced by my indecisiveness in this thread. I have leaned out of the passenger door and felt like it might actually be right front, but left front leaning out of the driver's... when listening from the hood, sounds like it's near the fuel line, or slightly right of center somewhere on the firewall... very frustrating. Will update if I get to checking this. I only have a cheap P-code reader, but nothing at all and no lights... I am new to Prius diagnostic tools and haven't yet had time to grasp the current metagame of ODB readers, apps, minivci cables etc. by pouring over the forums here. Any quick recomendations for what I should grab, or a link to a thread/sticky with best current practices and info?
Update for all in this thread and for posterity, I was correct all along that it was the shield featured in the video in my OP that was buzzing. I was actually able to, without removing the wheelwell lining, spot one corner of the shield and its bolt/gaskets/washer assembly through the front-right wheel well deep underneath the engine bay. After reaching all the way in and touching the shield with an 18 inch flathead, confirming that stopped the buzzing, I used the same to just stab in and mash on the gaskets above and below the mount as well as I could from the outside, which seems to have stopped the loudest of the rattling. I still hear remnants of a buzz during idle that I am confident would be stopped by actually retriving the shield and tightening it/stiffening the gaskets per the video in OP.
Generally in the south when mine Wear out in the south We just pulled them off by hand and throw them away by then usually the bolt holes and the bosses that hold those rubber and metal washers of all become deteriorated and more trouble than it's worth The heat that rises up around that shield unless you sit in your car a lot with the engine running and the air conditioning on like camping or something The heat from those pipes will never make a difference to the firewall and where it rises up to so there's always that these heat shields have long plagued Toyota they've been mounted this way for a long time with the little rubber washers in the cut out sheet metal that they detent into old supras and celica's we're missing these shields almost immediately.