This happened a while back but kind of stuck with me I was driving over a local bridge. A large pickup truck pulls out in front of me. At the time it was not remarkable because I set my cruise control at a speed I get passed a lot. I am not one of those slow pokes but I am not a speed demon either. This truck then accelerates, leaving a cloud of black smoke to the point I could barely see. It also threw me out of my normal driving mode, almost in a panic. Anyone ever have anything like that happen? (Sorry if this is the wrong place?)
I've been seriously rolled only while in a group of bicyclists, a decade before getting my first Prius, even before anyone in North America had a Prius. Very minor rolls since then didn't seem linked to any particular car, and didn't seem to be from trucks modified for that purpose. That idiocy didn't catch on here to the same degree as certain other areas.
You rang? But seriously, I did see one guy in a jacked up truck get an angry look on his face as soon as he saw me cruising along. Sometimes all you can do is smile and wave. And maybe put the climate control in re-circulation mode for a few minutes.
I used to run a side pipe on my Diesel and dump raw coal smoke on pedestrians protesting back in my hay day...
Yeah, happened to me a couple of weeks ago. The guy did it the typical way... but my car was using the dynamic radar cruise control so the distance between us never closed down tight enough to concentrate his exhaust. He slowed, I slowed. He sped up, I sped up. Between the DRCC and the "recirculate mode for the fan I didn't even notice the smell.