Hey everyone! I need to replace my 12v battery. I saw there was a lot of back and forth about Everstarts. Is the Everstart Platinum the same thing as the Maxx? Will this fit in a 2nd gen Prius (2008)? I'm asking bc it says it's a 46 and will fit. Doesn't the prius take a size 51. Basically will this battery fit and do people recommend it?
I think that's the right factory number or the battery number. I've seen a few of these in cars I don't know that they're any better than anything else there's no goal standard of 12 volts like there used to be in the old days they're all pretty crappy now I don't know why a lot of things are pretty crappy right now Not sure why because manufacturers are allowing it whatever I don't know I tend to buy the Sears It's a blue and white silver looking label AGM I think it's their gold battery I don't know some people are using universal batteries and fire escape flood light batteries all kinds of nonsense so it's not really mission critical the cheaper the better as long as you can get a couple years out of it You're pretty much golden The days of not doing anything for 7 years or probably a little behind us seems like batteries regularly failed these days.
The battery in your post is the correct battery for your car. It has the Japanese "JIS" size terminals and is an AGM style battery with a vent hose connection. A group 51 battery has standard size terminals and will NOT fit your cables, it is also a wet cell battery and has no vent tube connection.
Thank you so much! I went to AutoZone and they said the battery I had just needed to be recharged. I'm doing that for now and hopefully it holds up for a while. (At worst, they charged it for free and I wasted a couple of hours today.)
Yes generally this is what most folks would find themselves doing first and then worry about model battery numbers and terminal tops fitting and all that perfect.
Walmart Here is a thread with information about the Walmart battery. https://priuschat.com/index.php?posts/3340423
Thank you! I also bought a battery tender (maintaner) and will keep checking on it and charging it periodically. (I'm new at this and learning as I go.) Thank you for all your help!