Hello, I have a 2015 Prius. Two months ago I got a new 12V battery. This weekend, I went to go out and my battery was dead. Today roadside assistance jumped my battery and I started to drive it to the mechanic who put in the 12V but there was a loud beeping sound. I realized the door ajar light was on. I parked the car, got out, double checked that all doors were closed. They were but the beeping sound persisted. I left it at the mechanice. So wondering if this is related? Could the faulty door sensor (or whatever is causing this) drain the batter or are they two separate issues? At first I assumed the battery that was put in two months ago was faulty. The road assistance guy tried telling me I don't drive it enough. I live in a downtown area where I can walk to a lot of places. I still drive the car a couple of times a week but not super far. I didn't have this problem with the old battery though. It's not like my habits have changed. And it is not like my car sits dormant all the time. It does get out. Any validity to what the road assistant guy told me?
On my Gen 4 it would. On a 2015 Gen 3, someone else would have to verify it (Mendel leaving his hatch open did it) FWTW
As far as telling you that you don’t drive it enough, that’s a myth you will just have to get used to hearing. While that CAN cause issues, it’s harder to do that than people think.
It’s possible (but unlikely) that even if the doors and hatch were closed, a bad switch kept the light on. But the mech is going to have to do some Diagnosing. It’s usually the hatch switch needs adjustment or replacement