Bonjour, Étant parti 8 mois, mes enfants devaient rouler avec ma Prius 2. Malheureusement, ils ne l' ont pas fait . J' ai changé ma batterie 12 volts, vidangé le mélange éthanol essence , vidangé le moteur, changé filtres ,bougies,la base.Mais Triangle rouge fixe, impossible de démarrer, aucune sollicitation du démarreur. Le tableau d bord s' allume, triangle rouge et l' inscription ready qui d' allumé par intermittence et s' éteint au bout de 10 secondes. Travail effectué : vérification des relais HT positif et négatif : ils claquent et il n' y a pas de résistance aux contacts. Prise de tension : 180 volts. Question : ma batterie HV est elle morte ? Elle n' a jamais été changée. Que pensez vous du site ABN en Pays Bas pour leur batterie reconditionnée. Merci de votre aide et tuyaux. Bonne journée
You will probably need to view borrow steal or what have you a PDF copy of the three book manual for this car The SKS and the mobilizer system is very complicated and weaved into the whole car's systems but generally works pretty well It was not a fail when it was brought to market it worked very well so it should be a fairly simple problem or somebody has taken the key fob apart and lost the trapezoidal chip that's needed to partially run the system Good luck sorry my friend just long gone after 40 years of being away.
Google translation to English (from French) Title: Very long immobilization Prius 2 Good morning, Having been away for 8 months, my children had to drive my Prius 2. Unfortunately, they didn't do it. I changed my 12 volt battery, drained the ethanol gasoline mixture, drained the engine, changed filters, spark plugs, the base. But Fixed red triangle, impossible to start, no starter input. The dashboard lights up, red triangle and the inscription ready which lights up intermittently and goes out after 10 seconds. Work carried out: checking the positive and negative HT relays: they click and there is no resistance to the contacts. Voltage socket: 180 volts. Question: is my HV battery dead? It has never been changed. What do you think of the ABN site in the Netherlands for their reconditioned battery. Thank you for your help and tips. Good day
I wouldn't think $180 volts would be a deal breaker the car should still start I think a few here have started with I don't know 150 then they very quickly charge up to I don't know 240 or so pretty fast so I wouldn't think you're hybrid battery necessarily would be your problem I'm not sure why you're getting 10 seconds of the ready light and then it disappears or if that's what's happening. So further investigation will be necessary no matter what the kids did are you saying for this time you drain the oil and coolant and everything out of the car because you were going to be gone eight months well I guess it's good the kids didn't drive it it'd be no fluids in it if they didn't drive it they sure wouldn't feel it with fluids but I think you meant you've done this when you've returned I wouldn't think yet that I would be replacing the hybrid battery If anything I might try to borrow a charger in your country this may be easier to find than it is here some places are better at doing things in some parts of the world and others You want somebody that has a 300 volt DC charger that puts out about 2.4 amps an hour and connect that to the battery side of the relays and watch the display on the charger when it makes no changes to the voltage and 5 minutes then it's time to turn the charger off and disconnect but I don't think that's going to make your car start remember there's no starter in a Prius You're using the electric motors that lock a Paul or something and actually make the motor turn over anytime the front wheels are turning in your Prius the Pistons are going up and down on electric switches turned off by the computer that doesn't allow the spark plugs to fire and ice operation to happen That's all.
Obtain a good OBD2 reader, one which can read all Prius codes, and post back here the codes it finds. (Google translate English -> French) Procurez-vous un bon lecteur OBD2, capable de lire tous les codes Prius, et postez ici les codes qu'il trouve.
There will be 180 volts when a Prius sits for a long time and the plug in the battery’s computer has oxidized and drained block #1 and block #2 to zero volts, 4 modules. The Prius will not start with a low hybrid battery voltage code.
You will need to charge the hybrid battery up to a minimum of 202 V (at 240 VDC/325 mA) or anywhere in the range of 202-220 V before attempting to start the car. After the charge, you will want to put the car into IG-ON (two presses of the power button with your foot OFF the brake pedal) and use your fully capable scan tool to look at the battery block voltages. You want to see all block voltages the same or within 0.2 V of each other. If they meet that, then you can start the car. (Google translate English -> French) Vous devrez charger la batterie hybride jusqu'à un minimum de 202 V (à 240 VCC/325 mA) ou n'importe où dans la plage de 202 à 220 V avant d'essayer de démarrer la voiture. Après la charge, vous souhaiterez mettre la voiture en IG-ON (deux pressions sur le bouton d'alimentation avec votre pied éteint sur la pédale de frein) et utiliser votre outil d'analyse entièrement performant pour examiner les tensions du bloc de batterie. Vous voulez voir toutes les tensions de bloc identiques ou à moins de 0,2 V les unes des autres. S'ils répondent à ces critères, vous pouvez démarrer la voiture.