I bought a used 2022 Prius XLE from a dealer. He had only 1 key. The guy who traded in his Prius to dealer was supposed to bring 2nd key but he never did. Is there a way to get 2 new keys for this car by changing ignition or something so that the previous owner's key won't work anymore on this car? If it's possible, how much would this cost? Is it a DIY thing? Any other option to disable previous owner's key?
Yes, a dealer (or maybe a techy friend with the right hardware/software) can disable a missing fob stored in the car. Then you would likely want to get a brand new key/fob and have the dealer grind the metal key to match and program the new fob to the car so you have two working fobs. This should be done all at the same time to save $ at the dealer. It's possibly too late for this, but I would have had the selling dealer include a new key/fob/programming on the sales order, so they cover the entire cost of removing the missing key and programming the new one. It's incredible how many used cars are traded with only one fob!!!
Or buy a new key cylinder, which comes with a matching metal key (maybe two? don't remember) so the previous owner's metal key won't open the door. Changing key cylinders used to be an expensive PITA when there was one in every door and the hatch and the ignition. But now with only one key cylinder in the driver's door, easy peasy.
Depending on when the vehicle was delivered, it may have come with only one key and fob. Remember that there was a chip shortage due to Covid and supply chain issues. Not sure how you can find out if yours was one?
That car is still new enough to have a dealership cut and program another key from your vin number alone; but it'll cost you. If your in a big city in Ca; it may be worth calling around car specialty locksmiths. They can get the job done for half the cost of a dealership. Make sure the manual key on both your fob and new fob work! You'll hate to find out they don't work, when you actually need it the most. Good Luck and hope this helps.....
I had not considered that! But Toyota should still provide the 2nd key/fob based on VIN #, right? All the new owner needs to do is notify Toyota they are the new owner. There is usually a change of address form somewhere in the OEM docs. Probably there is a way to do it on the Toyota owner's website, too. Always a good idea when you buy a used car so you can be notified of Recalls and other news from the manufacturer.
I bought my 2 year old Prius from my sister-in-law. I was able to go online and register as the new owner. Toyota asked for a copy of my title as proof of ownership. It was simple and they game me a 3 months free trial of the safety connect service. I also was able to go to my local dealer and get a printout of the original window sticker showing what options were delivered with the new vehicle.