Trying to install the home link auto darking dimming mirror in a '08 car that's pretty loaded but did not have this mirror or the JBL sound system The wiring harness and the mirror are from a mint condition interior red car that had JBL this mirror and GPS and all that I removed the upper console and the sunglass holder to clean and renew that All the lights work I have connected the home link mirror to the hot red wire in the white plug The black wire and the white wire with the black line and the mirror all the home link buttons will work The end one flashes red like it's learning and the other two turn red when you push the button but the I button will not turn on the green light does this only happen if it's dark? I have this mirror in an '07 and it all works but I haven't had the chance to go over and mess with the '07 and c if the day night mirror turns on in the daylight I can't remember so in other words everything works it seems I have power but the green light will not come on indicating that the mirror is on if you will I have a spare mirror that came out of another vehicle that I've had for a while when I plug it up it does the exact same as the mirror that's hanging in the car that I'm trying to get to work so I don't think the both mirrors are bad I guess they could be there is another red wire in the white plug that goes to the overhead console but it looks like it goes to a wire that has shielding around it it and a green wire are bunched together with a mesh wire wrapped around it like it's there for a backup camera or something along those lines The only wire that gets power to ground with my test light in this white plug that goes to the overhead console that lights the lights when I push the buttons and slide the slider is the red wire that's by itself I forget what position it is on the plug but I'm pretty sure when I plug my console back up all the lights are going to work and all of that's going to be fine The mirror I just can't get the green light to come on so I'm going to guess it's just bad so it's pre-wired and I'll go back to my regular flip up and down mirror until I figure out something more concrete The connections in the car that the mirror came from that I took out I pull that console down and took the plug that goes to the console and took the mirror plug out of that car but it runs so far under the headliner that I just reached in with my pliers and cut it and I was just going to tie it into the red wire that lights the lights and the console the black and white wire in that same plug and the black wire too that should give me the same thing one would think I'm missing something here but I'm not sure what??
Just a fair warning, the gen 2 home link mirror is very old and may not work with your garage door opener if it uses rolling codes from the security 2.0 feature .
Yes no worries I have nothing to open garage door that is what I was looking for was the auto dimming feature I think it's just kind of weird that the homelink buttons all light up red and one flash is like it's in a learning mode but I can't get the green dot to light up saying that the mirror is actually on neither of the two mirrors that I have will that green button light up both of them the red buttons will flash and ignite when you're pushing them I'm not really sure how it exactly works anyway but I do not have a garage door maybe I'll just get a aftermarket dimming mirror a modern one that probably works better and use it or go back to the flip up day night not a real issue I just didn't know that there was some kind of weirdness with this mirror and I don't understand why it needs three wires I have a red a black and a white with a black line which generally is ground and Toyota and they're all hooked to those corresponding wires in the overhead consoles master plug that runs all the lights the map lights etc which all work
You might need one of the home link bridges. These basically bypass the security to allow our older units to work. I just learned this after replying to your post! Regardless good luck with he retrofit.
I bought a Kia Homelink Mirror -- Part 2T062-ADU01 and replaced the original Homelink mirror in my '07. It has auto-dimming, compass, and the newer Homelink protocol support. It looks like you can get it for ~$20 shipped.