Hi. I got me a '22 PLUGIN XLE last week. There's so much to learn and digest. It came with 1 key fob and local dealer wants to charge me $420 for a new one. I found a few on ebay but FCC ID is a bit different showing as HYQ14FLA, but mine is HYQ14FBC, so I hesitated to buy. Would ...FLA work if I took it to dealer to program? Is dealer the only option to get a key or to program it?
$420 doesn't sound totally out of line for a dealer. A good locksmith should be able to do the job as well.
I ended up going the dealer route and the fob they sold me has FCC ID: HYQ14FLA, and that's different than one that came with car. I certainly could have bought the HYQ14FLA off fleabay for cheap, but I didn't know if it would work. Now, I can confirm it works on FCC ID: HYQ14FBC, this is for anyone who's facing the same situation.