My 2007 12V battery needs replacement. I have access to a Ohmmu 12V aftermarket Tesla Lithium Battery. This battery is an aftermarket replacement for the 12v Tesla Model 3 battery. Can I use this battery safely? It has no vent holes but because it’s “Lithium”, so it does not put off any gasses, and it does fit in the battery compartment.
Will you have to change the terminals on the ends of the cables to something that this battery requires either way I don't guess it would be much of a problem I run some lithium batteries in my scooters and motorcycles and they're an enclosed spaces where they mount which I'm not in because it's a motorcycle scooter I'm out in the weather and there's a few powersports vehicles around that have some of the noco lithium batteries in them haven't seen any real problems they're very lightweight so I can't imagine doesn't have a vent hole because the venting is minimal or not worth measuring or God knows I'd give it a world if I could slip it in there easy enough and I got it cheap enough I guess You know a lot of people here running universal batteries in the back of these Prius like what goes in elevators and alarm systems and all of that sure some people spend the 250 bucks for AGM Sears die hard or whatever but many don't but I would say go for it.
Is there anything in the design of this Tesla model compared to after-market lithiums designed to replace Pb/A batteries?
In the company's own literature they are advertised and marketed and projected at Toyota Prius owners right in their own corporate literature so I don't think there's going to be any problems unless for some reason the terminals aren't the same which is easy project. I think I could do better then the four to $600 for each battery though but that's about it