The cassette player in my 2005 JBL system is shot. I was using a bluetooth tape adapter to play music, but It started spitting the tape out when it got too warm. My MFD is also dead, so I figured this was a good time to pull the center of the dash apart (a breeze compared to the combo meter replacement). I found this on eBay. With low expectations, much reluctance and fear of loosing $170 I pulled the trigger on it. The instructions are clear as mud, but I fiddled around with it for a few hours, and low and behold, my 2005 Toyota has Car Play like all of the brand new swanky high end luxury cars.
I have a 2007 base with similar : bare-bone AM/FM/CD with non-JBL... I will look it up, order and update !
OP or anyone else, can you confirm that this unit has its own radio? On the Ebay page, I can only see the radio antenna jack on the unit. Edit: Answering myself, there seems to be spec listed for the radio portion in German language, so I take it that it does. ccna101, any update? Did you buy one.
Yes. Initial install with cable hardness seem failed : the MFD immediately report AC failed. I put back the old stinky radio. Car is currently away with daughter so I can not work on it until she is back. I can see that I will need additional face cover ?! I can not say much, but my integration is also adding a backup camera (integrate into the HU) so I will need to plan next time. all for now-
ccna101, did you install the 68 ohm resistor? If not you'll have issues with the AC/heat controls on the MFD.
What don't you just check it? See if there is a corresponding pin connecting to the 2 factory wires/pins.
hold your horse, brother ... did I say I did not have the car, nor the equipment that I bought ? I did have a picture of what autohardness send, and no 68 ohms resistor ... Of course, it could be that the vendor send me the wrong part ... and if that is the case, I am send it back if this is not take care of . EV
I am in the middle of installing an Andriod (with CarPlay) unit (not the one from this link but I bet they are all the same, just different grades of the same stereo). ccna101, you better make sure you are in the return window timeframe. My unit came with a backup cam (which I don't need as I have the factory one which shows on the MFD), I had to install my own 68ohm piece, I'll post my elegant no soldering nor crimping solution. It came with the faceplate and bottom plate (goes under the unit). Unfortunately they gave me the wrong cables, it is for the JBL system and mine like your is the basic system. So the dash is apart, I prepped the GPS antenna, mic, USB, just waiting for the correct main cables to come in. I broke a small piece of the vent plastic trim while opening the dash. Wasn't overly careful despite reading many warning about it. Try to pull where the clips are located, it's what is holding them in and what is the strongest part to pull on.
Yes, thank Aloe... no, it would be easy if they just get me the correct part as they said but no !!! I end up to purchase separate cables and have everything I need: 68 ohms resistors, pinout, ... the deal is dropping by ( it 1000 miles from home ), remove the old, wired in the after market rear camera, install the HU and config the SWC... Note that you will not need the stinky ($$$) Canbus for the simple buttons control least for my A6 PF unit. it would be worth about a day of installation with tested, and soldering/heat shrink. Thing will happen sometime middle of next week.
Update: I have both A6 PF (7 and 9 inches) ... both seem works fine with the Gen2. No need for stinky expensive stuff: two standard toyota 16 connectors and a wheel control 20 pins. order your connectors from Metra. The 68 ohm register makes the MFD happy. I add an after market rearview camera, it wires directly and works fine with the built-in HA. The US version Prius had slot on the left (trunk) for the camera, and I just ties it power to backup light. Overall, a good day of running around getting part since I am not home and tools are not readily available, but at home, you would get it done in a short day ... Now, I may just use the 9 inches and return the 7 inches. Very decent upgrade from the OEM radio/CD combo .
Car Scanner app BT OBD YouTube YouTube Freekin awesome. Got my BT car phone working. And full spectrum radio (Japanese radio frequency is only low to high 80hz.). Love the YouTube music videos (for the music). Currently using Brave browser to skip ads, seems to work so far. Any advice on using ad blockers for YouTube?
good work ...and the pictures look good. I have not touch the new HU, but the kid loving it... My primary of replace the HU so I can have back up camera .... that is why during my installation: I have to run wire front to back to hatch and need to stay away from airbag . IMO, there is no ad blockers for YT, you have to pay for the premium to block those !! enjoy-
This is completely not true at all! What is the same is that all of them are using the same few suppliers for the screens. So outwardly they look the same BUT they are NOT the same internally. Actually, most of the ones directly from China are fake specs such as the one I discovered I got. Bought Android 14, 8 core, 720p, it is actually 4 core Android 8.1, 600p and only shows that when you install and run CPUZ. Otherwise it will show the bullshit spec. Discovered my external mic isn't working (more likely the stereo isn't connecting the external mic). And once I upgraded the software, CarPlay disappeared and Google maps don't work. Waze works. Semi disappointed, it was cheap though (about US$130) but I wasn't trying to buy lowish spec. My advise, try watching some reviews on Youtube and make sure to buy from the same link as the reviews.
Mine advertise as android 13 and its android 10. CPU and RAM are correct but android version isnt, as i can read on the web there isnt HU with android 13 like the one i buy. Its ok, but im still struggling with right cable for CAN bus so that i can have AC controls. So far i have only AUTO A/C on steering wheel. Someone mention that he buy connector? I would like to know from where so that i can connect SWC with connector instead of soldering or crimping on wires. Regardas, Alen
Hello Alen, Perhaps you miss our discussion about ?! once we swap out the old junk radio to -any- new HeadUnit: you will need to add a (typical) 68 ohm resistor to regain AC control on your Multi Functional Display ! and that -again- you need to order the correct cable to cross connect from old to new ... make sense ? You will need to solder two wires to get it done ( LOL: if you near me, I can do it in minutes, once the wires are expose ). There is NO canbus or anything fancy involve ! unless you want OBD2 integration, then it need another thread !. An it is not relate to any android 10-11-12-13 ... I believe mine is android 10 (Atoto A6 PF 10"). hope this helps, -ev-