more strange behavior

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by ronlewis, Apr 22, 2024.

  1. ronlewis

    ronlewis Active Member

    Dec 5, 2016
    2001 Prius
    Drove my green car on its first highway trip. Houston to Austin, about 200m. Going there, it's flat highway for about 150m, then kinda hilly, and more hilly the last 10m or so. I cleared my MPG meter starting off and got 53mpg consistently on cruise at 58mph until I hit the hills. At arrival, I averaged 50.1mpg on the trip and felt pretty good.

    A cold front hit while I was in Austin. Lotsa rain. When I started the car to head home, it sputtered and missed for about a minute, but never died. I started driving and a strong smell of fuel filled the cab. I opened the windows and it never came back.

    Thunderstorms all the way home, so I was driving slower, probably averaged 50mph. However, my MPG dropped. By the time I got home, the overall trip averaged 45mpg. I would have thought it would increase with the slow driving.

    I don't see any signs of fuel leaking under the hood, and it hasn't sputtered when starting again. BTW, it did that sputter thing once earlier, but all the rest of the times it starts. Always seems to run fine with plenty of acceleration available.

    I've run into different MPG readings before, starts out high and over the course of driving on the interstate all day, it gradually decreases. I understand initial reading will be off, but after 100m or so, I would think it would level off. This was a much bigger difference though. Wondering if I have a fuel leak somewhere, maybe an injector o-ring (I struggled to get those to seal when I was first getting the car back together). But, don't see any leakage.
    vvillovv likes this.
  2. ronlewis

    ronlewis Active Member

    Dec 5, 2016
    2001 Prius
    I'm wondering if it's that exhaust flap on the cat. This car hadn't been driven in 5+ years until I started working on it over the summer. Still, I'd only ever started it for a few minutes until last month. Since then, I've tooled around town on city streets, and a couple of short jumps on the freeway, but always nice, warmer weather. Saturday was the first time I turned the heater on as well, which now that I think about it, is the same time I smelled fuel, but that's could be simple coincidence.

    And, obviously, it was nowhere near freezing Saturday, but temps did drop 20-30 degrees while it sat all day, and colder than it's ever run. That might have been the sputtering, that flap stuck shut, or closing shut, or opening, IDK, and messing with the fuel mix.

    Next step: I delete my OEM cats anyway - figuring they'll get stolen sooner or later, might as well be me - so I'm going to replace that whole assembly and see if my sputtering goes away. Use the $700 to go gamble at Lake Charles - no different than driving these cars, right?
    vvillovv likes this.
  3. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    Both colder temps and rain decrease mpg. The sputtering at the beginning of the return trip is probably where the gas smell came from. There can be really big mpg differences in bad weather and the up and downs through the bumps. Plus, the bumps at the beginning also makes a difference as the car settles into a routine at the beginning of the trip and it much harder to gain back those losses as the trip progresses.

    About speeds, they can be hard to understand with these cars in different conditions. I see differences after initial start from day to day in the same weather conditions. Sometimes the car has good mpg days and other days not so much.

    Good that you noticed and keep your fingers crossed that you mpgs go back up as weather gets milder, up to around 90 F ambient / outside. Than know it will start going down again as it gets hotter than that and the hybrid batteries start getting beyond their hot temp comfort zone.
    ronlewis likes this.
  4. ronlewis

    ronlewis Active Member

    Dec 5, 2016
    2001 Prius
    Ok, it was the obvious problem - one or more of my injectors blew an o-ring. Today it sputtered at start up again and I immediately opened the hood and saw the wetness.
    The Mighty Mutt likes this.