Hey guys, I'm doing a gen 4 engine swap into a gen 3 Prius and I'm stuck on the last step - the egr. I was told to use the gen 4 EGR, so I already bent the pipe and mounted it. However, I can't figure out the coolant hose routing. Can someone please help me? I need to finish this car quickly.
Hey @greasecake how is the swap going? Have you finished? Were you able to find solutions to your queries?
Has anyone ever done a successful gen4 engine into a gen3 swap? All the threads I've read here just describe problems and no resolution.
5th gen's 2.0 liter into the 3rd gen is what I'm hoping someone will do for me to lurk upon with bated breath
There seem’s to be a lot of overheating issues, transplanting a 4th Gen engine into 3rd. If I was in that situation, say head gasket plus excessive oil consumption, I’d probably do a new (Gen 3 ) short block, and refurb the head with new head gasket and valve seals, etcetera. still, with our diminishing usage, coupled with preventative measures I’ve learned here, probably never happening.
If you get a NEW or REMANUFACTURED block, or engine, Gen3 is the BEST for a 3rd Generation Prius. EVERYONE who has install a 4th generation has issues and modifications must be done. You will not get any benifit by doing so.