So I've read a few threads on upgrading stereos from older Priuses, but I'm not sure if they apply to the Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) as well. Unfortunately, my dealer gave me faulty information and told me that it is possible to get satellite radio on the car --- but as you all know, the Prius v Two is not satellite ready. I'm also pretty disappointed with the sound quality of the unit, so basically I'm looking for the best upgrade(s) for sound quality and to add Sirius/XM radio. Any suggestions? I'm thinking that I might have to wait for some OEM accessories to come out for the v but since I'm a brand new owner, I figured some of you might have better solutions! Thanks.
Overall, I just don't think that the speakers are good quality (or maybe just the fact that there is no JBL amp). The bass is pretty weak and the highs don't sound great --- CDs are okay, but running bluetooth mp3s, even at a high bitrate, is pretty bad. I couldn't afford the v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) Five with JBL additional package, but I figure that if I invest a bit of $$ into this, I can probably get a great sounding system. I have an external Sirius radio that I could port into this from my old Tundra, but I'd rather make it more transparent if possible. Just wasn't sure if the Rosen or other aftermarket heads would work for the Prius v also. Any clues on when a harness may come out?
I have a base v as well and for stock speakers with no additional amplifier, it beats most of the stock speakers I have had in many other cars. I think a lot of folks set their expectations too high for stock and I think you will find it rare that stock speakers will ever satisfy most folks including myself so most will always find stock disappointing at some level. I am actually upgrading mine soon, just havent scheduled the install yet. As to satellite radio, technically the dealer didnt lie to you. You can get satellite radio but you will have to purchase a satellite radio install kit. The reason I may not add that on is that the antenna receiver will need to placed on the top of the car, thus drilling into the roof will be involved. Installer indicated best place for it would be front center for best reception. Kit and labor estimated around $500. Dont feel like adding that on yet with the amount I will be dropping for the speaker upgrade
I didn't have super high expectations for stock --- my Toyota Tundra 2005 had stock speakers, and I thought they still sounded much better than these. So with the satellite radio install kit, will it be accessible directly through the main head unit?
Well, some kits, it would be an Aux like device feeding in, versus directly interfaced with the head unit. You may have to literally replace the entire head unit with a different one.
Yes, with the kit it interfaces with the OEM head unit. I didnt have that done....yet. Maybe later. I did upgrade the speakers though. Replaced stocks with German Maestro speakers, added an Image Dynamics amp, Dynamat around the speakers, and an audio controller so the amp could interface properly with OEM head unit. Sound is now much more crisp and full. Only drawback is to my hearing as I am now listening to my music way too loud! I will need to add a sub woofer later to get that nice lower range fill to complete the package. Will probably use an 8in sub with custom enclosure to fit in the right rear area. That will be next month.
It seems the level 2 is the same as the level 5 but without navigation. I went to Car Toys and had a 5 channel amp installed along with a 10 in sub in a small sealed box. Removing the lows from the factory speakers and upping the power made all the difference. The system sounds much better than the JBL. They did an awesome install job too. No wires visible with amp under the rear seat.
The level two is missing a lot more then just navigation. We dont have the other goodies like Entune and sat radio, but I think the speaker set up is the same unless you have the ATP with the JBL setup. I thought about using a box for the sub but I want a cleaner install so I am planning on a custom built enclosure to fit in the right rear space. I should have planned better and gotten a 5 channel amp vice the 4 so I could have just plugged the sub into the same amp when I eventually got it.
Hi Mac Prius, May I jump into this thread for a non-upgrade question? We are about to buy the Prius v/2, because at age 79 will probably never become literate enough to use the bells and whistles of v/3. Please advise me: for navigation I plan to use a Tom Tom, for communication I plan to use our LG cell phone until the next iPhone comes out and we use an iPad for internet connection. Please advise me ... what else the v/3 would give me? Thanks
Not much! We have the v3, and the navigation system and Entune are really the only differences from the v2. You mentioned possibly getting an iphone - the Entune would allow you to use the iphone's data plan to look stuff up using the car's display. I have a compatible phone, but haven't even hooked it up to entune. So the $1000 price premium was a lot for built-in navigation, but our local dealer wouldn't have had any available v2s any time soon, and this v3 was available right away, so we went for it. If you want to use your existing phone (or the iphone) in the car, either the v2 or v3 should allow you to link the phone so it's hands-free (i.e. it uses the car speakers and a built-in mic to play back a phone call). This Bluetooth hands-free option is standard; it's not part of Entune. Hope this helps! Enjoy the v - we've had one for about a month now, and it's been great. :nod: Andy
And to build on this (we have a v3 and v5) the navigation is a bit annoying in both. It talks over the radio rather than muting so is hard to understand. Just today I used my iPhone with app Waze pushing to Bluetooth and it muted the music so I'm more likely to do that than use the built in stuff. Only other thought on differences is maybe the smart key system. I have 3 door on the 5 and the 3 has driver door only. I'm not sure what a 2 has but I'm sure someone can fill in the gap. My spouse has smart key envy entering the hatch on the 5 sometimes. On entunes I've used it once. Most everything is locked when in motion so you have to know a vocabulary of voice commands while in motion. Don't sell yourself short just on age alone. I know an 82 (83 this summer) year old that can run circles around me. If you like gadgets you'll have a ball with a v. W
I use my iPhone 4 for music and Waze for navigation via bluetooth. It works pretty well. v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) Two do come with smartkey that works on 1 door only (driver's). It's currently programmed to unlock all doors versus just 1. The v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) also gives you voice commands.
Ancient thread, but does anyone else experience an issue described as: - while using Waze via Bluetooth, - listening to the radio in the head unit, - the first second or so (several words) of Waze-spoken navigation instructions are cut-off, - before the head unit audio quiets, - requiring a guess as to what the Waze instructions really were, - based on the words that were actually spoken? What was your workaround? I have the Waze audio set to "pause spoken audio", which it does, but seems to eat a few words while doing so. Anyone? Bueller?
I am searching for info on this topic and Prius V Year compatibility. I have a 2012 Prius V 3 with Nav and XM and I found a ENTUNE 2015. The shape looks the same. I figure the Bluetooth will be upgraded so I’m really looking to swap it in. The website flag says it’s not compatible. What the heck, it looks no different. Does anyone know if this isn’t workable swap or about needing the engine serial code or some other data to mate the 2015 to the 2012? Is this a mistake to try? I searched for this answers but can’t find any info yet.
No idea on compatibility, but the Entune ‘service’, if that’s what it was, was discontinued by Toyota several years ago.