Hoping someone might know this. I have a ham radio installed in my PPPXP (Pretty Prius Prime XSE Premium). Details posted here if you are curious: Installing a 2-meter ham radio in the Gen5 | PriusChat The *right* way to install a ham radio is to get power directly from the battery--which I did. Alas a few days ago I forgot to turn off the radio and left the car for a few days and that was long enough to drain the 12V battery. There are lots of posts about 12V battery issues, but this one I am pretty sure was self-induced. Jumping the car back to life almost required a tow! Okay. Who HASN'T had a 12V battery issue with their 2023-24 Prime? | PriusChat (page 2). The net result is I need to switch power to the radio when the car is off. I still want to get power directly from the battery though, so I want to just have a high current relay that gets triggered by switched 12V that then connects the battery 12V to the radio. Seems simple enough, but I have no idea where to find switched 12V in the back of the car. There are plenty of places in the front, but really hoping there is some place I can tap off in the back and not have to run a cable from the front to the back. Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated! In the back there are huge differences between trims, hence emphasizing it is a PPPXP. will
Another option is to use a low-voltage disconnect with an adjustable trigger point. Some LVDs are designed to just cut something off before the battery is fully discharged (say, 11 volts or so). But if you can adjust the trigger point to somewhere around 13.5 volts, it will be on when the car is READY and the DC/DC converter is supplying power, and off otherwise. No need to find switched 12 V back there, and accomplishes the same thing.
I got a two-pack of those from Amazon for about $13, they work great. No enclosure but a ham should be able to sort that out.
@RandyPete : I already have some relays from another project rated for 240VAC/20A using 12V/1W coil, so seems pretty good for the job. I thought relays had a different rating for DC vs AC loads, but the datasheet doesn't say so. Even if only 10A for DC, that is enough for the radio. I may even make a PCB for it, I have the design tools and they are pretty cheap nowadays. @ChapmanF and @Leadfoot J. McCoalroller : Yea, I thought about a low voltage cutoff as that would be easier to install, but in reality, there is no need for the radio to be on if the car is turned off. No sense stressing the battery any more than necessary if I'm absent minded. I guess the sorta good news is I've gone 8 months until this mishap, but I'd prefer to avoid the next one. The more radical idea (and total overkill) would be to sniff the CAN bus which I am sure is back there. I've done some CAN bus projects before, so fairly familiar with the protocol. Just never done anything in a car. I'm sure there is some command out there saying on/off. That would be plan D though. A=find switched 12V, B=run wire from the front, C=LVD, D=CAN bus. will
In theory, this link will introduce you to Toyota's tech info system which will let you access their electronic wiring diagrams. I found it well worth the rent when I wired in some bonus goodies. Good luck!
That's the beauty of using a low-voltage disconnect that has an adjustable cutoff point. You set it for around 13.5 volts, and now it's an automatic switch that knows the difference between the car being READY and the car being off.
^ That. If you set the cutoff low, it serves as a battery reserve protector. While useful, it's not exactly what you want. However if you use Chap's suggestion and you set the cutoff above the battery's theoretical resting maximum voltage (12.86v) but below the READY-state charging voltage (14.1v) then it is a de facto relay that only closes when the car is in READY mode. That's even better than simple ignition-switched 12v, because it requires you to get the hybrid system into READY and not merely into "ig-on" mode. @RandyPete search Amazon for B07QNXM4LS and you'll see what I got, or an updated cousin of it anyway.
Watching voltages in READY, I see that the car sometimes backs off the charge voltage to closer to 13.5, when it thinks the aux battery is decently charged. So I wouldn't set the trigger point much above that. Somebody graphing a datalog of the voltage I think produced a picture that showed the voltage dropping significantly every now and then, for a brief instant, which I suspect (but don't know for sure) is the car's way of judging when the aux battery is decently charged (drop the charging voltage for an instant and look at the battery voltage). I never notice that causing any problem with the low-voltage disconnect I chose, which also has an off-delay that I set for about an hour. (Sometimes I like to be able to stop and get gas or a bite to eat without powering down the stuff I've plugged in.) A disconnect that responds instantly might be another matter.
Interestingly, the module I'm using also draws some power when off, about an eleventh of a watt. I'd have thought they could've built it to just draw nothing below the trigger voltage ... at least after its off-delay when it really turns off. The homebrew some-zeners-and-a-transistor version I was using before drew effectively nothing when off. But my homebrew one only worked for about six and a half years, and when it conked out I didn't bother investigating why, I just bought the off-the-shelf one.
I hadn't noticed the off-draw mostly because I use mine to prevent deep discharge when I'm using my leaf blower batteries to power bespoke things that don't have their own deep-discharge protection. So when it shuts down I'm disconnecting and heading back to the charger stand anyway.
I think this is more due to me having over-discharged the 12V battery, but even while driving the battery voltage display on my ham radio is showing 12.5-12.7V sometimes (assuming this is when the car isn't charging it) or 14.xV when it is trying to charge it. First thing in the morning it is only 12V. I doubt the ham radio battery voltage display is super-accurate, but even if off by a half-volt or so, clearly doesn't look good. OOPS! I think I broke my battery, that will be spendy to replace and clearly my fault. will
Hey, I see you're in Denver. I'm selling my 19" wheels w/Toyo tires if you're interested in another set for winter
Could you tap into the luggage light or the charging door light as the 12V trigger? I'm not sure where the switched is positioned for these but might be able to poke around with a multimeter until you find one that is on.
@purplePriii: I could, but those are not always on whenever the car is on. They are certainly off whenever the car is off which is a good start, but not quite what I'm looking for. If I can't get an answer here, I will probably get temporary access to the manuals as @Leadfoot J. McCoalroller suggests. Just hoping that someone might already know. will