Hi All, I got a question when I balancing my modules. Most modules are refurbished as expected, the discharge capacity increase as cycles go on. But there are several module behave weird. The discharge capacity was good at cycle 1 or 2, then in later cycle (3-5) charging stopped at very low capacity then following discharge capacity of course is lower too. my questions is why these several module behave differently than other good ones. why charging stopped at very low capacity? My setting is below Capacity cutoff 7250 mAH Charge 2A Discharge 1 A/6V DCHG/CHG 5 see below the discharge/charge data Discharge/Charge Cycle 1: 2500 mAh/7250mAH Cycle 2: 5500 mAh/680 mAh Cycle 3: 564 mAh/360 mAh Cycle 4: 300 mAh/590 mAh Cycle 5: 550 mAh/720 mAh