Got my free 30 days trial this morning, running FSD 12.3.3. It drive very human like, except it uses its flasher at every single occasion lol. One thing though, the stops are too long, like two to three seconds before proceeding. One car that was turning left in the opposite way thought I was letting him pass, it's that long. Fortunately, just a small depression of the accelerator will get it going, so that's what I ended up doing when other cars was at the intersection and it was my turn to go. I was impressed at its ability to take runabout. It took it like a pro, much better than the pickup in front of me that ended up on the curb as he turned lol. I don't have a video of that one since we were both turning and the pickup wasn't in the field of view of the front Sentry camera. Also worked perfectly at an unprotected left turn at a busy 70 km/h road with a fence blocking the view to the left. Just before it proceeded, a car on my left turned right into the street I was on and then a car on the main road on my right waiting for him to turn, proceeded to turn left. My car proceeded to turn left as that car was making its turn, just like I would have done. The video below explains it better than I did. It's fun, but I'm not ready to shelve $15,000 for it, no way.
I guess they know they have enough customers that will shell out that much for their new toy, even if only out of curiosity. Or the shiny new technology syndrome, much like cell phone business model.
I'm just waiting for the FSD code to merge into the Autopilot code. It's so much smoother than AP. If you've used AP on regional roads, you know you have to prepare to push the accelerator if a car crosses your path some distance from you since AP will slam the brakes. FSD, chills out as the car proceed with his turn, just like I would do if I was driving by myself.
Winter 22 in snow 0 C 32 F - the beta version (shown in title) was still kind wonky when it couldn't see enough of the road. First 11 minutes were marginal annoyances an stuff, but the next ten minutes the behavior needed driver assistance more. link starts at 11 minutes in It keeps getting better, wondering how it now works in harsher weather conditions.
Is it even reasonable to try to use any driver assist in such conditions? That kind of weather is not what my benchmark would be using but day and night and sun and glare and marked and less well marked and rain (but not 2" an hour deluge).
It has been been tested on previous iteration of FSD V12. It handles itself but needs more babysitting than on dry road. I'm not very used to it so I'll be extra careful
Really not ready for winter use. It worked well in my neighborhood streets, going slower than usual and slowing down earlier, but once I reached regional roads and highways, I had to disengage often. It didn't react to the changing road conditions. For example, it decided to take the off ramp way too soon, where that was still lots of snow on that section of the off ramp.
Here's a few clips of what FSD did today that I found interesting. In the first one, as the car turned, a car appeared on my right and because the stopped pickup was infringing in his lane, wanted to take my lane a bit. He changed idea and my car reacted perfectly, staying within its lane as it turned, then went left to pass that parked van. In the next one, traffic was backing up (because of an accident I noticed later on). My car went from the left lane to the right lane, passed some cars then took back the center lane. Keep in mind here on a road of 80 km/h or less, it's legal to pass on the right, but it's illegal to change lanes to the right in order to pass a vehicle, then immediately return to the left lane so this could be an illegal lane change. Third one is how it handled a minibus doing a U-turn at an intersection I was turning to and how it passed it later on. I liked that it gave it room to make its U-turn, didn't freak out for it being in front of it and didn't try to 'squeeze in' when it backed up.. Last one is an edited one since it was over one minute long. It shows how the car reacted to traffic work in the right lane with cars waiting to turn left in the opposite direction, Then it cut to the black SUV turning left, with my car doing was is the legal maneuver this time by taking the right lane to pass a vehicle turning left. Finally, the third section is the car missing its left green turn arrow, wait for its turn then slow down to let the pedestrian pass before finishing its turn. All in all, my disengagements were just for better route planning than the car had took, nothing that would have ended up in an accident if I didn't intervene. I'm starting to like FSD more and more every time I use it. Still too expensive at $15,000 though. I'll miss it when it's over.
Now I have a decision that I wouldn't think I would ever have to make. FSD has landed in Canada for $99/month. I might reconsider my stance on having FSD after the trial after all...
Trying to work the system eh? You'd probably have to have a different family member/credit card/address to do that. .
Yeah but the issue will be with versioning. FSD version is typically behind one or two versions from the general one and Tesla will not back version a car, so you'll have to wait and not apply any new updates until the FSD version is newer than what you currently have. A few times a year (Telsa do roughly monthly updates), both stack are merged (like the 2024.3 stack) and you'll get it at the same time as others. However, the general stack is already at 2024.8 while FSD is still at 2024.3. So if you installed 2024.8, you won't get the free trial until FSD has reached that version level.
Downloaded and updated the latest, FSD, 4/14/24. This was roughly two weeks after the first V12 FSD. Bob Wilson