I did this, connected my 30v battery to the HV battery, everything worked. The additional battery constantly charges the HV with a current of 2A. While stationary and while driving. Converter made in Poland by a Pole, original idea.
30 Volt? But our battery in the car is a 211 v system DC. So I'm not sure what's happening with 30 extra volts I don't really get it but okay.
The OP does mention "converter"—term for a circuit that changes one DC voltage to another. And the video shows one voltmeter showing 27 volts and another one showing 307 (which is plausible for the 274 volt gen 1 battery). The benefit still sort of escapes me, though. Juice from the extra battery is being used to charge the traction battery. Ok, so how much juice does the extra battery hold, and how does it get there?
dlatego stosuje się przetwornicę DC/DC, która podwyższa napięcie od 30V do dowolnej wartości np. 20V. w Twojej Toyocie jest 211 V, w mojej Toyocie akumulator HV ma napięcie 310 V that's why a DC/DC converter is used, which increases the voltage from 30V to any value, e.g. in your Toyota it's 211V, my Toyota's HV battery is 310V
This particular battery from the video has an additional battery charging capacity of 3 kWh. you can use any other 25-50V battery
a 30V battery is charged from the socket, and the electricity in the socket comes from a photovoltaic installation, i.e. from the sun.