Hey Guys, I have run into this issue a few times where I have run out of fuel with my gauge showing two or three bars left. After the first couple times I have began using the "mileage" method however sometimes I habitually look at the fuel gauge rather than the mileage and have run out of fuel on many occasions. Has anyone else run into this issue? solutions?
As this car been wrecked like in the back end? Is the 12 volt fully up to snuff No not making 11.7 volts 12 is what's needed in a 12 volt system every little bit you're down from 12 volts is not too good. I'm not sure in this model of descending unit can be dealt with or not for the gas gauge that is.
Yes. I'm pretty sure the level bobber part of the fuel pump gets either stuck on it's own or caught on something. Ruined my day a while ago. Only thing I noticed was that pouring in gas from a gas can didn't effect it, but using a high flow gas pump did, and it hasn't happened again. I doubt there's anything you can do that doesn't involve removing the fuel pump, but if I was in your situation were it kept happening I'd probably remove it and see if I could 'work' the bobber lever around or at least gleam something about why it may be happening.
Perhaps not waiting until you are low on fuel before filling up???? Make a habit of not letting it go below halfway before filling up...
There has been no accident, it has worked in the past but this last year has started to act up... I havent checked the battery, honestly didnt even think that would effect the fuel gauge only I havent had an issue with gas from a gas can thankfully... But it definetely freaked me out, I had just done a cooling system overhaul because I had a seperate "limp mode" issue and slightly panicked that it wasnt fixed. but once i saw my mileage i was gratefule haha I have tried the cleaner before however it doesnt seem to help I really dont mean to sound rude or anything, but one of the selling points for me to get a prius was so that i dont have to stop for gas as often haha it really helps on those 300+ mile trips to just knock em out in one go
You're not being rude. 1 stoppers are great! I never rely on any fuel gage. I've always kept track of my mpg and knew how many gallons the tank had and knew when to fuel up. I really dont mean to sound rude or anything, but one of the selling points for me to get a prius was so that i dont have to stop for gas as often haha it really helps on those 300+ mile trips to just knock em out in one go[/QUOTE]
And most of my generation 2 Prius if I'm traveling like going tank full or better away from where I'm leaving I try and put 426 mi on my generation 2 Prius most of them I have here that will leave me with the last blip or pip flashing and I put about 20 mi on that the pip that's flashing and then pull into sheets and get the blue fuel and I'm usually adding around 9.7 gallons at that point on a trip If I do this while I'm in town where I live I'm only putting in about 8.4 gallons and I've got 350 mi on the car so there's always that I am not trying to get gas until I think that I'm very close to empty and 8.4 gallons is not very close to empty 9.5 is closer I have run the car out of fuel to where the triangle comes on but because the gauge is electronic it's not very helpful so the time from the The last pip starting to flash to the time I pull over I have learned to make that about 25 mi You should be able to go close to 40 mi on the flashing pip I'm getting about 36.
[/QUOTE] yea, thats what ive kind of been forced to do, however it slips my mind every once in awhile and catches me off gaurd haha especially this time when it stilled showed three bars. usually when it hits two bars im heading for the gas station just so i dont risk it
IO will typically get about 420 miles out of the tank as well on long trips. but it gets kind of hard to track when you start mixing the commuter miles in with city miles hahaha i will usually try and get into the gas station at around 350 or 375 if i needed
Next time the fuel is low, remove the fuel pump sending unit, clean the contacts for the float. It's likely sticking.... Try to clean up all the area's that move...
Yes in a generation 3 you have the luxury of accessing the tank the sending unit the pump so when you're low on gas is the time and your driveway or garage to open up the thing. Clean it as best you can now you can turn the car on and you can move the sender up and down and see if it's seemingly in proportion to your movements on the gauge.
Do you guys think that it would be worth it to just swap out the sending unit? is that even possible in a 2010 or are they not removable from the tanks. Ive seen that there are some models that they are completely sealed into the tank
Judging from what others have stated, it is one unit. You can't get just one seperate part. Perhaps a junk yard, and then you can switch parts. On other vehicles I've been able to fix a similar issue just by cleaning it. Depending on the brand of fuel you use things can get gummed up and stick.
I don't know if the generation 3 regular Prius is a sealed system or not I haven't had the time to go out and tear up a gas tank in one of my cars to really take a look I know in the generation 2 you can't get at any of it because there's a bladder in the tank and his just no access in the Australian version of the same car you can access the tank there's no bladder I think there's a regular fuel pump and ascending unit just like a Corolla would have in say 07. Because I use those 05 to '07 nip and then so fuel pumps in my big bore gas scooters like BMW and Aprilia I personally have put those pumps in my scooters because they're built better than the Italian pumps that the scooters come with which are made by the famous electric companies that fail on Fiat all the time I can't even think of the name of the company You see that logo and you immediately do not want to touch it marelli or something like that
I like having the fuel range to be able to drive past the high-priced fuel stations and get to the areas with better prices. Though fuel availability and pricing patterns have significantly changed in the 40+ years that I've been watching this and planning where the next fuel stop will be.
Thanks for all the info everyone! im going to try the fuel gauge inclination meter reset to see if that helps at all and if not I will look into tearing apart the unit and seeing if I can just swap out the sending unit.
It looks like none of the reset produres that I have found. Does anyone know what the process would be for a 2010?