hello TLDR: Prius 2010 gen 3 , "Check PCS system" ,drastic loss of power, if its only a PCS problem i dont use cruise control or radars so i need to just disconnect it so i was driving my gen 3 2010 and suddenly i lost 90% power with "check PCS system" , the car was super slow and the engine seemed to be working non stop i disconnected the 12 volt battery to clear the error cause it was night time , after clearing the error the car works fine and power is 100% for 2 days after that i get the same "check PCS system" with "check hybrid system" this time, same thing i lose power mechanic didnt know what to do so he cleared the error again... i found some1 posting that he disconnected cables behind the glove box to disconnect the PSC system and it worked i just need to test if its only the PCS or is there something else , where can i find some info on this ??
Is there not a button under your steering wheel to turn this PCS system off this is the thing that detects objects in front of you and slows you down there's a whole section in this site all about it people have had this problem for years I'm not sure I would be unplugging things maybe try to find the button It's down there above your thighs when you're sitting in the car at the lower edge of the dash One is for the TPMS I think and the other is for this dedicated PCS system which I do not have not even on my solar roof 2010 loaded car everything but that I guess thank goodness some have said it's kind of buggy so maybe inadvertently this button has been pushed I think when the system is off the light will be on maybe when the button is engaged the light goes off?
thanks for ur reply i dont have a button on the dash , the only thing i have is the stick on the steering wheel but that does not turn PCS completely off ill look again for the button u r talking about but im 99% sure i dont have it, and yes from what i read PCS is a pain in the !@# u said 1 is TPMS and the other is PCS, do u know which is which? or where can i get detailed info on this?