... corporate psychology, Honda would be characterized the quiet, well mannered, clever (e.g., "you meet the nicest people on a Honda"), sneaky Asian kid at the back of the room, always putting up the good grades, always with the little games, always with the little stunts. Not the sharpest pencil in the cup, Ferrari profiles the dashing, handsome young rich kid all the schoolgirls swoon over, always looking for a new girlfriend to do his homework. Porsche, the two-faced utterly ruthless (e.g., RIP, Alfred Merkel) Eddie Haskell archetype, polite, devious, disingenuous, selfish, me-first mentality (e.g., "... Porsche! There is no substitute!"). Corner sidewalk punk, Ford Motor Company, the musclebound bully in the tight jeans rolled up at his ankles, black loafers, white t-shirt, white tube socks, greased back hair, pack of Lucky Strike rolled up in his shirtsleeve (e.g., Built, Ford Tough!"), hanging out at the school gate swiping lunch money from 2nd graders. Vivid contrast, Toyota profiles indicative of the happy (e.g., "...oh, what a feeling!"), good-natured, fat, red-headed butterball kid laughing it up, always grinning ear-to-ear, jolly sense of humor, always giggling, copying from anyone he can on test day, looking for the first chance at an extra-helping, of your birthday cake! The Cerica? The Cororra? The Rand Cruiser? The Averon? There'a high ranking C-suite exec at Toyota with a wry sense of humor, bequeathing their vehicles names native Japanese speakers can't pronounce. "... Rexus? Ew! Dat a rearry good one!" Latest sad irony in its vehicle line-up? Toyota's latest abomination, butt ugliest vehicle ever seen by man nor beast, since Ford's '58 Edsel: Introducing, Toyota's Crown, which would otherwise be pronounced, exactly the way a native Japanese speaker would pronounce the word, clown! "... Clown? Ew! Dat not what we intend! You rearry make-a me mad! I want to kier you!" Over 4 thousand pounds? Wholesale deviation from form-follows-function design ideology, no engineer worth his salt would ever design a car like that: https://thegreencarguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2023_Toyota_Crown_Platinum_lf34.jpg Last thing Toyota's dealership network needed? Another slow mover - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
Racist undertones aside, you obviously changed the pronunciation to fit your preconceived notions. How is the L in Lexus and Land “R” and the “R” in Cruiser actually an R but suddenly the “R” in Crown is a L? Either way, yeah the Crown Platinum Hybrid Max has a very small targeted market. I’d imagine the Crown Signia might see a few more buyers.
There are so many sounds in spoken Chinese that I can neither produce nor discern by ear. People make fun of me for that sometimes but (by my inference) in a good-natured way. Not derisively, like "this foreign person is less than we are". Perhaps I'm mistaken and am subtly secretly considered a fool. Or as thread author might say, a foor.