Source: Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies - The New York Times Kenn Dahl says he has always been a careful driver. The owner of a software company near Seattle, he drives a leased Chevrolet Bolt. He’s never been responsible for an accident. So Mr. Dahl, 65, was surprised in 2022 when the cost of his car insurance jumped by 21 percent. Quotes from other insurance companies were also high. One insurance agent told him his LexisNexis report was a factor. LexisNexis is a New York-based global data broker with a “Risk Solutions” division that caters to the auto insurance industry and has traditionally kept tabs on car accidents and tickets. Upon Mr. Dahl’s request, LexisNexis sent him a 258-page “consumer disclosure report,” which it must provide per the Fair Credit Reporting Act. What it contained stunned him: more than 130 pages detailing each time he or his wife had driven the Bolt over the previous six months. It included the dates of 640 trips, their start and end times, the distance driven and an accounting of any speeding, hard braking or sharp accelerations. The only thing it didn’t have is where they had driven the car. . . . This is where to get your report: LexisNexis Consumer Disclosure - LexisNexis Risk Solutions Consumer Disclosure. I filled out the form and got this reply: Acknowledgment Message Your order has been received. You will receive a message via US Mail within the timeframe allowed by law. We will verify the information you provided with information in our records. We may not be able to comply with your request if we are unable to confirm your identity or to connect the information you submit in your request with personal information in our possession. Of course I will share the results with everyone . . . NOT! Somewhere a swarm of "land sharks" are smacking their lips. Bob Wilson
Anyone with an Android or Apple phone with map permissions enabled will ensure those two big tech companies have every location you've traveled to, so no worries about NOT having every detail of your life tracked... And despite the privacy issues, I'll argue that this form of tracking could eliminate the needs for cops having to pull people over, which is usually what happens when cops accidentally kill people who posed no threat, but the cop decided they did and they get away with murder as long as they turn their body camera off first. As in eye tracking data combined with vehicle data in partnership with auto insurers could very efficiently get the most negligent drivers off the road and maybe you'd give up a lot of privacy, but less people would have to die because your auto insurance rates would be assessed on how you drive every day, rather than number of claims you file. This system would also be a good way to teach people how to drive safer / keep their insurance rates as low as possible.
LEXISNEXIS was one of the early disseminators of pre internet law school university BBS legal reaserch in the 1980's. It sure beat thumbing through massive paper volume case law & was much quicker. Had no idea they had entered the field of auto data harvesting. Somebody's going to make a boatload when they figure out how to disable your car's propensity to snitch on you. .
If it did give feedback, it would be valuable. But feedback needs to be fast and direct without intermediaries. Bob Wilson
Yeah... like a yellow warning light that explains what you did that could raise your rates. And then if you get enough yellow lights doing the same thing despite repeated warnings, you get a red light that actually changes your monthly insurance rate with an option to reduce that charge before it gets reported by simply driving better/safer. I especially think this will be helpful to get elderly drivers off the road without having to put the families of those drivers through so much hell trying to take away the car keys. My dad is almost 90 years old and is so senile he can't even have a conversation without forgetting what we're talking about, yet insists on living alone with no assistance in a remote area where his ability to safely drive has been non-existent for years. He's a significant danger to the safety of his local community and himself, but all our many efforts to change that have constantly failed because he's so stubborn and the government won't help unless the cops actually see him drive unsafely and pull him over more than once.
In the late 90's our environmental activist community was given a Lexus-Nexus password by a sympathetic journalist... The amount of articles and information available while that access lasted was better than any library or Google search I ever used. But those days are gone and now we have too much common information making it hard to find the rare information.
"... in my defense, your honor? No traffic infractions, no at-fault accidents, never an alcohol related offense? Probably the only living soul on God's green acre who comes to a complete stop, at every stop sign?" Doesn't seem to carry much weight these days, here in Mexifornia. It's true. Guilty as charged, count 1: I've more than merely once hurt someone's feelings. Count 2 on the indictment: I live here, in the land of white-boy Gavin, in his newfangled Soviet Socialist Republic of California. My renewal date having just come up, the Insurance oligopoly hereby finds me GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! by decree! My automobile insurance premium punishment, I am to be arm-twisted an additional US$400 bux a year? "... uncle, uncle, uncle!" Scratching around, poking my nose into some of these data-bases, I'm scrubbing wherever possible. Though none of my vehicles are internet connected, I think our problem's the Lexis-Nexis people. Thus far, I've booted my browser over, and I've purged, requested disclosure, and opted out, from Lexis Nexis. I did likewise, for my deceased wife, as well. Next up on the agenda, probably have a look-see at my CLUE. I think that's pretty much it for me, I'd better keep what I've got. I am never (NEVER), buying a new car. Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile -
Sounds like you'd be happier living in a really poor red state like Alabama where they embrace people hating communists and non-whites. Or more to the point, your rant is offensive and you're obviously racist so I'll click the ignore button on your profile so I never have to see what you say again.
Segwaying back on topic .... just to give a sample of some of the companies that have inadvertently allowed your data to be stolen; The 72 Biggest Data Breaches of All Time [Updated 2024] | UpGuard Speaking of racism in a more generic way - some of the genetic/heritage online sources are breached (& attempts) to find out who's Jewish for protesting mid east's crisis purposes. My Heritage genealogy site reports data breach That's not the sight My wife's family uses but we were Notified not too long ago ....