Hi. Hoping you can help. I have a Toyota Prius 2008 which has roughly done 130k mileage. Up to now its been fantastic and have had no major issues. Have had this car for the last 4 years. However recently I noticed a funny noise coming from the engine after I would start and drive slowly. It then started to get really worse and now as soon as I accelerate it makes a loud wind noise coming from the front of the car. This also affects acceleration and it does not pick up speed as it used to. Furthermore I can smell the smell of fuel inside and outside the car and it seems to be drinking quiet a lot of fuel than usual. I showed to 1 mechanic who heard the noise and said the whole exhaust needs replacing as its blocked. Today I showed another mechanic who put on the ramp and asked me to accelerate while on the ramp and he said it seemed as either the gearbox bearing is gone hence new gearbox beeded or right hand side driver shaft. Today as I drove it all of a sudden an explanation mark came up and various lights on the dashboard and also said problem. Any ideas what it could be as im getting mixed messages. However as soon as I accelerate its a loud wind noise coming from engine. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You need to get a capable scanner and get the code so we can see what's going on if you're exhaust is blocked and you go back to the end of the car where the muffler is have somebody step on the gas engine comes on you should feel exhaust coming out the tailpipe rather smartly no blockage then the winding of the transmission that's something you need to definitely have a look at maybe it's almost out of oil it does have CVT transmission fluid in it it may have never been changed may have never been changed and almost empty taking it out and putting it in a pan you'll see what you take out it was red when it went in what does it look like when you take it out black more than likely the transmission could have bit the dust as far as some kind of bearing or noise internally goes this is quite possible especially if it's been run low and the fluid has been run hard till it turns black.
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