Всем привет, сломался аккумулятор 12В, напряжение упало до 6В и 1А при коротком замыкании. Решил его переполюсовать то есть заменить = и - местами.. Теперь у аккумулятора 12В, приус на нем работает нормально. Советую наблюдатель за аккумуляторами, а не покупаю новые youtube-shorts/tIF9UCwXyGw
For your information, your replies and coming in as Russian rather than English. If you are using an app like Tapatalk, it’s not transcribing into English for the rest of us. All we see is a post in Russian.
Всем привет, сломался аккумулятор 12В, напряжение упало до 6В и 1А из-за короткого замыкания. Решил поменять полярность, то есть заменить + и - местами... Теперь на аккумуляторе 12В, Приус на нем работает нормально. Советую смотреть батарейки, а не покупать новые youtube-shorts/tIF9UCwXyGw
I use a translator that automatically translates the windows I'm viewing. I don't know how it works. Don’t you have a translator that automatically translates everything from any language?
Not that I know of but you reverse the battery leads yes you did many people have done that here reversing the leads that is
No. It's somewhat unusual to see a Polish-identified location written in Russian Cyrillic, but PC is a World Forum! G1 battery reversal is (was) a 'thing' but IIRC they didn't have a 'II' model - so you may want to update your account information. Good Luck!
So, why would anyone reverse the battery? And how? - the terminal clamps won't reach to the other side.
Usually it's a reversal of leads when somebody is trying to start a car with a dead aux (12v) battery.
Конечно подходят, нужно снять втулку с минуса и переместить на плюс. Нужен молоток и шлифовальная машина
Maybe a communication problem. I meant that the car's positive cable does not extend far enough to reach the negative. If you turn the battery around, inside it's space, the negative terminal would be towards the outside, against the quarterpanel, where there's not enough room for the big fusible link clamp. I guess you can just set it in the trunk, and not in the battery hole.
everything is correct, I turned it over and there was enough space for the plus. there is a film on YouTube, you can see what and where
After a few days, the 12V battery works like new. I tried inverting another 12v battery but it didn't work.