My car has always performed the three-second whine when opening the front door in the morning, and after it’s sat for a while. When coming to a stop in slow traffic it whines a few seconds about half the time. The car had always been dealer serviced since new. Now at 135k, took it in for service and inspection and asked them to tell me if the whine frequency is normall. Paid for diagnostic, and tech said it took a while to pinpoint the problem—loss of pressure in brake pump, apparently a slow leak. Should be fixed at $1,950. Made an appt for next week. Have driven 100+ miles in the last day and the frequency and duration of whine seems to be much less. Maybe because I’m having pre-purchase remorse. Or could the tech’s diagnostic procedure have changed/tightened something? Seek thoughts of experienced Prius-Chat people.
I would imagine that if there is a leak of some type, there should be some residue somewhere. I'm not familiar with the 2015 Prius braking system, but if a there is a loss of pressure, either their is air getting in the line or fluid is leaking out somewhere. Hope this is somewhat helpful. I have 78k on my 2015 and have not had any brake pump issues.
Brake booster failure is common in gen3. The pump builds and accumulates hydraulic pressure for the braking system, allowing for brake by wire 100 percent of the time. The master cylinder is very complex and includes a lot of valving and solenoids necessary for ABS, Regen, traction control and other functions. Sometimes a loss of hydraulic pressure occurs in the pump or in the master cylinder between flowpaths, not necessarily to the outside world. It is a flawed design that Toyota replaces for free over 10 years or 150k miles on most gen3s. They replace both the pump and the master cylinder, which is probably or hopefully what your dealer is suggesting. You are getting a good price if both parts are being replaced without a code yet. With that said, dealers generally do not replace anything until it creates a code. Most the time the system is really bad when the pump is cycling every 30 to 60 seconds or faster at a stop sign or when in Ready and in Park. So you may not be at the most critical point yet with codes - although if work is done, they should be replacing the master cylinder and pump. No code means you pay. Often dealers don't tell you about the programs because they make far less when Toyota is paying.
Many people on here have waited till the noise happens as often as once every three minutes before doing the repair....
Unless there's something more you're not telling us, everything you just said—a run when opening the driver's door first thing, and a run when you use the brakes but not every time—is pretty darned normal. Had it recently changed in some way that made you want to ask? If it starts pumping every time you brake, or, worse, pumps by itself repetitively when you're not touching the brake, that's when some kind of issue is indicated. (Often, as rjparker indicated, it will be an internal leak, where fluid just makes its way back to the fluid reservoir; nothing is 'leaking' out of the car.)
That because people whine/wine alot in your family... Your Prius has for too long been trying to feel loved and accepted into your family. Of course ever since you turned down the Nexcell opportunity for her she's looking for any possible opportunity to end the relationship.
Many thanks to you all. Yes, it appears that replacement (of both units, as quoted) may be premature. Service adviser said the extended warranty has elapsed, but I suspect you’re correct—if we had a code I should have a valid claim. I’ll push them on this and threaten to delay the work until a code…as a safety addict, at times I pay extra for piece of mind. When I bought this car used I suspected HV battery, hg, but not this !
Toyota corporate won't pay without a code. So pressuring the dealer won't help even though they may admit the system is weak. The most common code is a failure to reach pressure over several minutes. At that point the dash will light up like a Christmas tree. You may be years from that or perhaps it will fail sooner. There is a reduced braking force failsafe but drivers have a hard brake with increased stopping distance, worse case. I have not heard of anyone who lost their brakes completely but many have experienced bad or failing brake booster systems. A Techstream brake flush may help at this point. In my more advanced 15 second cycling case, a Techstream flush cleared up the rapid cycling for a couple of days. Toyota's customer support program is ten years or 150,000 miles. It is likely yours will be up in late 2024 to 2025 based on date of purchase. Unless 150k miles are exceeded before then.
Can you tell us more about being a "safety addict." That seems like a bit of a disability... I mean in the name of safety I probably wouldn't get off the coach very often?
First, thank you to RJ Parker, Chapman, and all you kind Gen 3 people who have responded with good information. And a response to PriusCamper’s query as to what I meant about “safety addict.” It is a figure of speech that basically means, to me, maintaining all critical systems, i.e. tires, brakes, suspension. That’s all. I’m quite aware that risk is always a percentage game, and if I’m within the range of specs I’m happy: tread depth, pad and rotor wear, etc. Things that could (possibly) help me stay out of trouble, or keep from causing it. Back to replacement of pump and accumulator: It appears that IF there is a code before 10 years/150K miles, I potentially have a claim. But as there is no code, the frequency and duration of whine (in my car it’s not a buzz, as some have reported), and it took the tech over an hour to find the “leak” in the pump, I’m inclined to drive it some more. I’m at 134K, so at 140K take it in again. If it’s a steady state, I’ll let it roll. The “safety addict” in me says “why wait?” In 60 years, I’ve traveled more than 600K on motorcycles, doing a lot of regular/preventive maintenance. The only failures were on me. Same for my cars. Part luck, part skill, part not-quite-obsessive attention to critical systems. So, a big thank you, once again. I’ll let you know how it pans out.
I just changed my 2013 Prius pump/accumulator combo. When I first decided I had a problem it was running for about 1.5 seconds every 18 seconds. As miles added up it got down to only 13 seconds 'between pumps'. Nearby Toyota parts man said the most often failure was the master cylinder, so I got one online for $711 plus tax. As I was removing the old master cylinder I thought, "maybe the pump/accum. is faulty", so I ordered that online for $450 plus tax. It turns out the master cylinder is good because after replacing only the pump/accum. my brakes work FINE ! Hallelujah ! I returned the master cyl. yesterday. When I talk with the Toyota service mgr who told me I did not have a problem because there was no code [at 200,000 miles] I'll ask him if he thinks maybe I'll visit the Honda dealer when it's time to buy a newer hybrid. Maybe they will be more helpful. I got help from this website and from U-tube.
Bleeding the system was a piece of cake with my wife of 57 years pumping the pedal --- just like any of the 23 previous used cars I have owned during my long & happy life. There is a bleeder port on top of the master cylinder which we bled first, then I did right rear, left rear, right front & left front, in that order. Maybe because I merely put the old master cylinder back into the car i did not need any special scan tools at a cost of $250.00 plus tax.?