I have never seen any of my CD's have their track or Title displayed on my screen. Which CD's are encoded to allow their information be seen on our screens? Ron
I haven't seen any either and I keep looking. Though I have to admit that I'm not a big music nut and most of my CDs are relatively old. Well, technologically speaking anyway. Though over the weekend I was sitting in the car working through some of the configurations. The Audio Screen showing all the presets was up. The highlighted button indicating the station I was listedning to was scrolling the current artist and the name of the song. I hit the [MSG] switch and it was all there. Pretty Cool! Later that day I tried reenacting the event with my wife in the car but instead got the message "For your safety, messages are not displayed while driving" or something to that effect. This of course prompted my wife to say, "Thank you, Priapus; now stop playing and pay attention to the road." Damn smart car.
title and artist display on radio I picked up my Prius last Tuesday. I also can't get the Title and artist of the CDs with the CD player. I love that the radio scrolled the radio station, title of the song and the artist. Saturday I noticed that it doesn't scroll this information anymore. On one of the presets, the title of the song that scrolled last is still there, but other songs are playing. The manual doesn't mention this problem. I read about that message (MSG) button, I thought maybe that was it. I probably pressed something and I don't know what. Has anyone had this problem? Or know how to get the scrolling back? Mary Lou[font=Comic Sans MS:1c004143c3] [/font:1c004143c3]
Apparently only a rare few even new/modern CDs will display that info...UNLESS you use certain software and burn your CDs to a new CD specifying that the title/track info be burned in, and, apparently that will allow the information on your orignal CD to be displayed. The data is there, on most modern CDs, but due to some weird quirk doesn't show up without this reburning process and the right software? Weird.
Audio radio messages Mary Lou: "On one of the presets, the title of the song that scrolled last is still there, but other songs are playing. The manual doesn't mention this problem." We have experienced the same problem, too. One of the preset radio channels' message display has been the same song for a week. Other preset radio stations' messages reflect the current song, artist playing. Maybe it's an error on the preset radio station's end b/c we only experience the problem on one preset channel. Has anybody else experienced this?
I was just driving and I noticed the stations are scrolling again! I don't know why they weren't this weekend. It worked Tues-Fri. But not Sat and Sun. I don't remember touching anything. Mary Lou[font=Comic Sans MS:cc8fc7982d] [/font:cc8fc7982d]
I make copies of my CD's to use in the car using Nero Burning Rom 5.5 or 6.0 - both versions can look up the CD on the internet via freedb.org. Once that's done, it can burn CD-Text titles to the disc and tracks.