All: I asked in another posting if this list existed anywhere and didn't get any replies, so figured such a list needs to be made! I'll got out my car and took pictures of the Easter Eggs I have noticed and may have forgotten a few, but also certain there are more that I haven't even noticed. So, consider this a start and please add them as you know about them. If they are specific to a particular model or trim, please note that. They clearly vary from brash and painful (we're talking about you #HIDDENCOMPARTMENT) to some genuinely subtle ones I think are really cool. One Easter egg per post, here goes... will
OK, I have to start with the obvious/painful ones. #HIDDEN COMPARTMENT is universally ridiculed and kinda agree!
About as brash, but somehow not as bad to me, #WIRELESS CHARGER. Only in models with the charger clearly.
The last of the hashtags I know about and do like this one for being reasonably subtle and kind of a PSA. #SAFETYFIRST behind the seatbelt on the back seats, both sides.
Not sure if this counts as badging over an Easter egg, but it is subtle enough that I'm going to include it, just below the infotainment screen. I believe it is on trims with both screen sizes. Not always obvious and kinda hard to get a decent picture of!
This is the most recent one I discovered, nearly a full six months after getting the car and having washed it many times. It is the side trim for the front windshield and only on the passenger side!
This one I think is the most subtle. I got the light just right to make it obvious, but in any normal conditions it is pretty hard to see. I went through many washings before noticing it. It is on both headlights.
Glass roof. Really hard to get a picture of. I finally stuck a piece of paper behind the glass to get a picture of it. Also pretty subtle in any normal conditions. Clearly only on cars with the panoramic roof and I've seen the cars with the solar roof saying solar roof.
Another one maybe pushing it in terms of an Easter egg, but since its normally covered up, not really badging. This is behind the charge port door on Primes. A good picture was hard, it is to the lower left of the port.
I like this one and it is widely noted by bloggers. A nice repurposing of something useful, the Prius in the rear window defogger material. yes, the camera wanted to focus on the deck, sorry!
Also well noted as it is pretty obvious, the Hybrid Reborn on the right side of the hatchback door area. That is the coax for my ham radio coming into the car.
I assume intended to be a surprise when you remove your temporary tags for your license plate, behind the license plate location. This was hard to get a decent picture of. I kinda needed to get my reflection in there in order for it to be visible. My Gen1 was a 2003, so not quite a 1997 original.
Up there on the subtlety scale, on the rear wheel well trim on both sides. Also hard to get a decent picture.
OK, there you have round 1 of the Easter eggs I could remember today. I've probably forgotten a few I've seen before and I KNOW there are ones I haven't noticed yet. Please add them as you are aware. I'm looking forward to finding out about more. will