I'm not sure if this belongs in the main thread or here, but here goes: Now that I finally have the second keyfob (yay!), I'm getting around to figuring out the driver-based presets. As a first step, I wanted to get the two presets for the seats set and failing at it, help! This should be easy and I'm clearly missing something. I'm trying to follow the instructions, starting on page 4-6 of the '23 users manual. The first instruction is already weird, it says to check that the shift position is in P, *then* to turn the power switch on. Uh, if the car is off, how can it be in anything other than P??!! I'm in the car with only one keyfob, turn the car on (I've tried both READY and Accessory mode, same), press the set button and then 1. I get a "long" beep, sounds encouraging. I've tried holding set down and pressing 1 too, same long beep. For a recall, I first moved the seat before powering off without saving it. I power it back on again (yes, it's in P before turning it on, it can't be in anything else!), then press 1 and while i get a short beep, no seat movement. I've tried opening/closing the door along with powering up and down and still nothing. The only maybe non-default thing I've done was disable the feature that moves the seat back every time I turn off the ignition. This is all before trying to mess with the My Settings stuff, I'm trying to get just the basics working. This should be easy, what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance. will
There is a thread somewhere on this site that links to a youtube video which explains how to set the seat's travel limits before saving the seat preferences. This seems to be similar https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=toyota+prius+settings+driver+seat
Thanks @dbstoo, I do need to learn how to use search better on this site, between you suggestion and some more concentrate searching I'll work on it and post back. will
OK, half way there! Presets now work, just can't yet get them to be automatic. Issue #1 was that my seat wasn't "calibrated"! The car beeped every time I moved the seats. I didn't think this was a big deal (yea, trained by wife's Gen3 reverse beep!). That was actually important. Here's the link to the video explaining that and how to fix it. Nothing about this in the manual--at least that I could find. Now at least manual presets work as expected. Alas still no luck getting automatic presets to work. This video is fairly current and for a RAV4. The only difference between it and the manual is they say to press the preset button first, then the lock button. I still get no second beep as noted in the video or the "long beep" mentioned in the manual which they say is an error indicator. I had an "aha" moment realizing I had my phone with the digital key enabled and my keyfob on me, so maybe it was mad I had two "keys" on me. The manual is clear about making sure you only have one. Alas going back to the car with my phone still in the house didn't make any difference. Making progress... I have a feeling there is a setting somewhere I've messed up that is interfering. will