So my non-replaceable rear led brake light went out. I came up with a cheap alternative to replacing the whole unit and wanted to share it. I added brake light to the bottom tail light housing. I pulled out the taillight and got an 1157 (taillight/brakelight) socket and LED lights from advanced auto (fit perfect). The LED's i used are Sylvania 1157 SYL (Part No. 1157SLBP2). You will needed to open up the hole in the tail light housing to make the led bulbs fit. Go slow and make it a tight fit as there is no way to twist lock the socket in to place. You need three connections the 2 original tail light wires and the 12V for the brake light. There is a circuit board at the bottom that lowers the voltage for the original brake light this is removed. Wire the 12V that feeds this board to the new socket. I don't remember the exact wiring colors but if you have any questions i can take a look at my car and let you know. The whole set up cost around 25 bucks for both sides. I don't know if doing this is illegal but the car just pass NYS inspection so it should be ok.