I have a 2007 with the TPMS light on. None of the tires are low, so I got on tech stream and found that there is no signal from "tire 4". My question is, which is tire 4? I haven't seen any documentation describing how they are numbered and wondered if anyone here might know.
Sorry, but your Prius does not know where tire 4 is mounted. If on of your TPMS batteries has worn out, the others are probably going to die soon so plan on replacing all 4 sending units (they are integrated into the valve stems). There are alternatives to the OE Toyota TPMS units that are less costly. Search Amazon for "TPMS 2007 Prius" and you will see some options. You will have to find a shop that cam program and install the sensors for you (many tire shops can do it, but check which brand of sensors they support). JeffD
Since you have Techstream, you can find "tire 4" by increasing and decreasing the air pressure in each tire, one at a time, and look at the live tire pressure readings in Techstream. Three of the four tires will show changing tire pressure in Techstream and one tire (tire 4) will not change. I had to do this on my niece's 2010 Prius to find where the bad TPMS was located. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
My 2010 Prius (with 180k miles and a check engine light that went away for now at least) has tires properly inflated (even the spare one). Still has the tire pressure warning light. The genius mechanic said it's one of the TPMS sensors that went bad. How do I know which one it is without spending a lot of money? Thanks in advance.
The TPMS batteries kat about 7 years. Either put a piece of tape over that indicator (its not a check engine light) or plan on replacing four sensors (The spare does not have a sensor).. There are third party sensors that are compatible with your Prius and cost less than Toyota TPMS sensors. JeffD
I just picked up sensors from Amazon and also tires. Hopefully this budget combination will work out. I will be installing after the weekend and will report here with my success or failure. Specifically with the sensors, I looked for amazon reviews to see if anyone was able to "add" them to the vehicle. The brand that I purchased had some reviews from Toyota owners that said they could enter the hexidecimal code on the sensor directly into techstream. I hope that is true. The TPMS sensors were made by ACLONG. The tires are Summit Ultramax AS. The sensors have a unique six digit hex number on the casing... I took a picture and hope to replace the existing sensors in techstream with those after they are installed.
IF those sensors are correct for a Gen2 Prius then yes, you should be able to just enter the IDs with Techstream. I think that sensor position is LF - tire 1, LR - tire 2, RR - tire 3, RF - tire 4. It makes a minor difference as the default pressure values are 35psi front, and 33psi rear. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
One way to avoid spending money: fugedaboutit. Our '10's build-date was August '09. Last year for a week or so the tpms light went on, then went off again. Hasn't reappeared since, but I'm sure it will. I plan on doing nothing about it. No replacement, no tape, nada.
Discount Tire/America's Tire Stores have portable readers for checking the TPMS sensors in addition to their free tire filling. Just ask; someone will grab the reader and come out to your car in their parking lot. They read the battery strength and tire pressure just by holding it up to each tire. Only takes a minute and it's free.
That's interesting. Didn't know you could get battery life readings. That would have helped a few cars ago. Put some tires on myself. Cooper's that I got from walmart for $50 each. At the time I think the sensors I found were $40 each... didn't make sense replacing working sensors, but at least one died shortly after and I just left as is. I am cheap enough to avoid putting in the sensors, but I do hate having a single warning light on my dash. I wish there was an option to turn that light off once a single signal is lost and also have the car ignore certain recurring CEL like P0420.
The tire and TPMS install was a success. It cured some annoying road noise from the old tires. TPMS was made by ACLONG and on Amazon cost $40 for a set of 4 Tires are Summit Ultramax and were just under $50 each at Amazon, but now?? not available. Seem like good tires, but time will tell