Every once in a great while when we get ready to leave the house. we find the car has locked the doors. Doors open when we pull the handle, but we can't find a reason for why it does this. I thought maybe somehow one of our fob buttons got pressed and locked the doors. Not a earth shaking problem, just curious if anyone else has their car lock up for no apparent reason.
If you've ever spilled some sugary drink into the door handle control panel - it could cause an intermittent short.
Yep, it''s happened to me a few times too, Every once in a while I get the sense the car is haunted or something. Seriously, I do try my best to understand what the car is thinking, but sometimes it's just beyond me. I need it and a few of the other strange things it's done, to happen at least a few more times before I can even begin to try an understand why it does some of the weirder things I've noticed it do in the past.
Not sure if this answers your question, but the car will re-lock the doors if you unlock them with the fob and then not open any door. There's some timeout before this occurs, but it's a safety feature to make sure you don't unlock your car accidentally and then forget about it and leave your car unlocked.
And you can adjust that timeout. By default, it's 30 seconds. I've increased it to its maximum (two minutes) using Carista. Or pay the stealership to adjust it for you.
It happened to me last week while washing the car with the fob in my pocket. That one wasn't so mysterious. Kinda on the level of butt dialing the phone.
That or if you are washing your car with the key fob is nearby for example. That water triggers the SKS. But this is not what the OP is talking about.