I have the dreaded RTOD, though it's disappeared on its own for now, Techstream says I need to replace the hybrid battery. I don't have the cash for that. What's a good source for modules these days, new or used?
I consider myself lucky to find a dismantled battery in a u pull it lot. I got three modules from the end of the pack for $20. Only needed one. I identified my bad block using torque. Well it told me which pack of two modules was charging abnormally and when I removed all the modules in that block one had only 5V I would think that you could find cells from someone here or maybe from a rebuilder on craigslist. The latter should have a better idea of the cells health
Thanks for the suggestion. I've called around salvage yards with no luck so far. One wanted to sell me a whole pack for 1400...
The closest LKQ lot to us has a deal where they send all the Prius packs off to an unnamed battery refurbishing company. Can't get any HV pack parts from them at all.
I'm really not surprised to hear this... Unfortunate for us DIY'ers when we need a module or two but I guess there aren't many, % wise, who work on their own cars, much less HV batteries.