Hello I just replaced the combo meter on my 2005 Prius due to intermittent combo meter issues (loss of display, car not turning off, etc). Everything works now with exception of the fuel gauge. It shows empty all the time (one bar flashing) regardless of how much gas is in the car. I removed the meter to make sure all the wires were plugged in and everything was connected. I reinstalled and am still getting the same issues with the fuel gauge. I have tried the inclination meter calibration and can't get it to go into the calibration mode. Could this be a bad replacement combo meter (purchased on ebay used) or is there any other things I can try? Thanks
I just tried the inclination meter calibration again, and it worked this time. Gauge is showing full as it should. I think I was hitting the button too many times or something.
Well darn, I have the same problem after I replaced the capacitor. I have tried the inclination calibration a dozen times and it still shows empty. New 12v battery, fully charged. I will try it a few more times, unless someone has another fix. Thanks!
Every time you disconnct power to the CM, it needs to recalibrate the fuel level when power is restored. This can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 days.