2007 Gen II This seems like it should be obvious but it's not to me. Even though I owned a 2006 I cannot remember or perhaps didn't pay attention when I had it, to how the exterior lights worked. I have poured over the owner’s manual and the shop service manual and cannot figure out exactly how they should work. I have attached a diagram to help illustrate and explain. On the left-hand side of the diagram, you can see the current configuration of the bulbs. Further down the page in the bottom left-hand corner is a picture of the light switch. 1.Position 1 None of the lights on the front of the car are on. a.Both taillights are on. 2.Position 2 Headlights, but none of the other front lights. a.Both taillights are on 3.Right turn signal, both the upper and lower amber bulbs flash on the front of the car. It is the same for the left side. a.Both taillights turn signals work 4.Emergency Flasher, both the upper and lower amber bulbs flash a.Both taillights turn signals work Obviously, something is amiss and I'm hoping someone can tell me how it is supposed to work and keep me from going down a rabbit hole. Questions: 1.Are both amber bulbs on the front supposed to be turn signals? Seems to me one of them should be a running light. 2.When the HID headlights are first turned on, they flash a brighter intensity and then return to a steady state. Is this normal? 3.In this configuration of bulbs (working properly) are there running lights? The headlights turn on at reduced intensity when the parking brake is released with the hybrid system started, even with the light switch in the “OFF” position? 4.This vehicle does not have the “Auto” light feature. What is the purpose of the light sensor on the top of the dashboard. What do you all think?
I'm not getting how you've drawn two red "amber turn signal" circles when there is only one turn signal bulb shown (and I don't have a gen 2 here to look at, but only one turn signal bulb is the way I remember it). The clearance light should be on steadily when the taillights are. The light sensor on the dash detects infrared (solar heat); the climate control uses it to proactively keep you comfortable when you drive between sun and shade.
First position of the switch should net you two amber lights in the very front lights upper portion of the lens in the rear you'll have the two lower red lights on and the license plate lights will be illuminated step one... Next position and the last position will add headlights to what is already on basically that should be it ... There are no diagrams needed first position to Amber lights in the very front of the car headlight assembly at the top come on You see the Amber in the daytime when they're not on It's a reflector right next to that should be Amber 194 bulbs That's your running lights for the front in the rear the very bottom of the tail lights will be lit up red those are also 194 bulbs I use red ones in that position. Click the switch up to the next step and all that's changed is now the headlights are lit up on low beam if the switch is in the low beam position That's it Not much else to do no need to draw anything I can't even see what you've drawn doesn't matter I drive four of these cars they're all sitting right outside my window they all work the same way
The reason I am asking what may seem obvious is that I have at least one problem. When the headlight switch is in position 1 & 2 none of the amber lights up front work. They do however work as front turn signals. I also thought that perhaps one of the amber bulbs up front might be a running light and serve a dual function. From the comments thus far I assume there are no front running lights. In the owner's manual there is mention of "The headlights turn on at reduced intensity when the parking brake is released with the hybrid system started, even with the light switch in the “OFF” position?" Is this supposed to be running or daytime driving lights. I appreciate your input and I am asking these questions so that I can understand what the engineers had in mind. Didn't what to spend a lot of time chasing my tail.
So then your next move the Amber turn signals are not being discussed because they have nothing to do with the headlight switch they only have to do with the turn signal switch and hence why there's no discussion because they obviously work so the next thing you want to do you have the red on in the back no amber on in the front now you open the hood and you reach in behind your headlights at the very top of the headlight right where it meets the fender you'll see a little gray twisty 194 bulb holder You lefty loosey that and you withdraw it and you'll be pulling out a gray black or gray and black assembly and on the very end of that assembly is probably a clear 194 incandescent bulb now turn the lights on to the first position while that's out and hanging The thing doesn't come on pull the bulb out put a fresh one in now it's lit or the holder of the bulb is all beat up and overheated by the incandescent bulb the heat it produces has turned that gray plastic brown and if you touch any of it it crumbles in your hand No worries you just go to the Toyota dealer or look online and you can buy that 194 bulb holder insert for your housing no problem and then if you take it a step further you go to AutoZone or Menards and you get Sylvania ZEVO LED Amber 194 marker lights be like $18 for a pair of them You put those in the new holders they won't generate any heat and won't cause the holders any problems and now you plug them up make sure they're working before you insert them into the housing and twist and lock them in If you get the LED to work on one side and you go to the other side and the LED doesn't work pull the LED bulb out notice which way the red dot on the blade is facing and turn it over 180° and watch the bulb light now insert that one in the housing now go turn the lights off so you don't kill the battery You fixed your Amber marker lights now everything should work as factory You don't have any problems with the lights.
Your Amber turn signals and Amber Marker lights are two different bulbs not the same bulb with two filaments like some cars brake lights will work 1157 3157 etc. I'm not sure about the lights being at reduced intensity when somebody's starting something maybe the HID lights but I don't think so because all four of my generation twos don't do anything with the lights when you're starting the car I guess maybe if you're starting the car and the headlight switch is in the on position you're one of those people that never turns it off I guess the car will power up and not put the lights on until it's fully powered and booted but I've never heard of that I have not read the instruction manual cover to cover either never noticed it I drive my car it doesn't drive me We turn air conditioners lights and switches to their off positions before we shut the car down and we exit We don't push the power button with the air conditioner on full blast and the fan on high and the headlights on and the turn signal still blinking from turning into the parking space No not happening here.
I am trying to sort out all of the lights on the front of the car. (Headlight, TS Clearance) The point I was hung on was I could not see the reason for two turn signal bulb. Years back when I worked for Generous Motors we used to joke, that if you could save GM a nickel on every car they would make you a vice president. Good advice Tombukt2. I will check it out tomorrow. So for a simple mind like mine allow me to summarize: The only purpose of the two amber lights in the front headlight assembly is for turn signals The small little wedge bulb is a clearance light and is on when the interior switch is in any position. There are no running lights. The HID headlights do not function in a dimmed capacity as day time driving lights
The wedge bulbs are your marker lights they come on Amber when the switch is in the first position or in any other position they're you're running lights or marker lights they allow people to discern the front from the back of the car and that sort of thing. As far as I know the HIDs are just HIDs If you have your switch on and you never turn it off then they'll be your daytime running lights while you're driving around in the daytime with the switch on If the switch is off the fog lights nor the HID lights will be on at all I'm not sure if they run in the dimmed capacity if you turn them on during the daytime The solar sensor on the car I think is only for the air conditioning and doesn't give feedback to the lamps as to whether they should be on full brightness or less brightness for DRL capability I don't think that is a thing All of my HIDs are converted to LEDs and do nothing they just turn on and are bright as hell and brighter when you flip the stalk in the blue light comes on letting you know the brights are on other than that that's all they do I was going to rig up my fog lights which I put the bright LED bulbs into match the LED bulbs in the HID housings I was going to turn the LED fog lights into daytime running lights so I have a switch and just leave them on whenever the car is on they're on as running lights or as DRLs I just never bothered actually I'd rather not be seen than be seen It's been that way a long time.
My amber lights (not turn signals) up front, one doesn't work. If i hit the light with my fist, it comes on. Mostly off until I hit it.
The incandescent long extension sockets that hold the 194 halogen or incandescent bulbs are turning light brown and are very brittle and they'll fall apart if you squeeze them on the end You can buy new ones and that will stop most of what you're talking about the hitting of the light and all of that sort of thing maybe put some Sylvania ZEVO one watt Amber LEDs in place of the incandescence they don't get near as warm and burn up and heat up the plastic.