Solution is simple: More strict tailgating enforcement. I was taught to use to 2 second rule in good road conditions, 3 or even 5 in slippery road conditions. I think they should make the Defensive Driving Courses a REQUIREMENT for people obtaining their permit or even renewing their license after it's been revoked. Implementing it is a WHOLE other story, as the State Police in my area love to tailgate ME when I'm going speed limit through a town speed zone. I also live in a small village where there are 2 colleges in it, so one gets a lot of those reckless people showing off (not impressed). I'm skittish when people tailgate me as well, but if they rear-end you (I'm hoping they DON'T), THEY would be at fault, and their insurance would cover it. Okay, had to get that off my chest because I had another cop tailgate me on my way home from work and I came across this post. /end rant