On the energy info display, normally when you are going forward, the wheels spin a forward direction, and when you go backward, the wheels spin in a reverse direction. I just discovered a small bug. If you are driving up a steep uphill slope, come to a stop, and remain in "drive", and then release the brake and allow the car to coast backwards, the display will show the wheels spinning in a forward direction.
Well, when Toyota programmed that, I'm sure they weren't expecting many people WANTING to coast backwards down a hill
What kind of mpg did you get coasting back down the hill? I notice that I only get 4 mpg while backing up with the electric motor. Does that make sense? If I go forward I get 99.9mpg back 4 mpg. What gives.
Sheesh. I'm already having enough trouble figuring whether I'm coming or going. Toyota isn't making it easier.
hdrygas, Perhaps when going BACK you will get 4 mpg worth of gas BACK into the tank How is THAT for a mileage? Too bad the cruise control don't work backwards though. /Paj
No, no, no... it's no bug. Your virtual wheels just happen to be spinning backwards at a rate such that they *appear* to be moving forwards. It's a common illusion. No need to thank me. (really) Brad p.s. speaking of spinning your wheels...