Could anyone help. I have Prius from 2007. In The car occur na error U0293 - Lost communication with Hv ecu. Car was Used every day on a way. Suddenly without any reason I couldn't start an engine. I can not put The gear box in to any gear. The gear box scheme on The dashboard is flushing. Wheels are blocked. I can not move the car, generally Prius doesn't work at all. HV battery is dead. I tried to start The car on cables but it didn't help. Does anyone have something like this or can give some advice how to start an engine?
If you have a multimeter check the 12-volt battery. It should be 11-14 volts. A weak 12-volt can cause some weird problems. The gear shift is "drive by wire" not mechanical, so if there is an electrical problem you can't change gears. You talked about jumping it. Hopefully you did it correctly at the "special jumpstart terminal" in the fuse box and connected the cables according to the manual or you can fry some expensive components. Jump starting procedures in owner's manual, for Gen II, pages 360-363. If you're locked out, valet key on your remote will unlock doors. Jump terminals in fuse box under hood. Open Red + Cap. Connect cables in the following order. a. Connect clamp of positive red cable to exclusive jump starting terminal. b. Connect clamp at other end of positive red cable to the positive (+) terminal on the booster battery. c. Connect clamp of negative black cable to the negative (–) terminal on the booster battery. d. Connect the clamp at the other end of the negative (black) cable to a solid, stationary, unpainted, metallic point of the vehicle with the discharged battery like a bolt head on body. Let good car run about 5 minutes before starting your car. If the READY light doesn't come on or if Hybrid battery warning light comes on seek more help.
Finally, the dealer repaired the car. The cause was a broken wire in the bundle. It has been repaired. So far the car drives. Thank you all for any suggestions and help.
hello, in my case and check everything is wired and I have not found something wrong on the main battery I noticed that no fillers. my question is how to load the master battery?
“broken wire in the BUNDLE”?? What does that mean? I encountered this same issue today. Car stalled out of a sudden and no power start function worked. I found the AM2 fuse blown, tried a new one and it blew it too, tried a 3rd one and that worked. Car started again and now had a check engine light with the UO293 and B2799 codes. Cleared them with my scanner but now wondering if its the imverter coolant pump like so many say, only thing is my symptoms are different and mo p093 code on mine.
If these codes have not come back after deleting them, they are like a non-issue now. They are also likely to have been caused by your inverter coolant pump shorting out and blowing the AM2 fuse even though that is not a common set of codes to go with a failed pump. Note also, that you do not necessarily get a P0A93 code when the pump fails. The inverter has to get quite hot before it will throw that code and start shutting down some systems to help shed load. Replace the inverter coolant pump and get on with your week.