It has some rust from the drivers side which is getting worse. Nothing wrong with it. 117,000 miles for 2009 toyota prius touring.
You're showing me pictures of the chassis and suspension I don't think anybody's going to get down on their hands and knees in order to purchase the car because of brown spots on steel metal iron parts that are exposed to the elements most people care about what doors and fenders and hoods look like You know the kind of thing people see when you're driving down the road what's your showing here is pretty much irrelevant That's a $1,315 16 whatever it is year old car and you've got a little bit of brown patina yeah so do I in Central North Carolina and before that rust becomes any problem here anyway I'll be dead in Wisconsin maybe a little faster but anyway so what I'm asking is what's the rest of the car look like at 117,000 or whatever miles you're quoting here If the cars in really nice shape leather fog lights alloy wheels that aren't beat to death reasonable carpet and or some kind of floor mats that don't look like they've been filled with snow for the last 20 years things like that $7,500 is possible there are plenty of foolish people that are running to buy these cars because of whatever It's all in the mind of the buyer in your area I think delivery drivers and whatnot like another parts of the countries go cuckoo over these things they don't realize they can buy a Yaris and get 7 mi to the gallon less and have none of the problems people just don't think when they're buying things like cars motorcycles and the like
Oh no I would be out of that deal directly can't have any of that fixing that No that's not a good proposition at all I mean just to do that for to sell it? I don't really think that's the thing to do but your market dictates what you do when I lived in Western Massachusetts this was very normal and rather than to just buy into this constantly and try to weld strut towers and stiffen no. All I did was go down south about every 36 months pick up another car or two of two of us went back then we were talking five or $600 bring them home drive them for 36 months Go back down south and then I moved back down south and there was no need to worry about my cars riding away anymore now I can actually make five and $600,000 mi on a chassis without generally any issues.
No it wouldn't! Under body rust like that is a very bad sign for cars in this state. Cars don't rust like that here - unless they were flooded or driven into the ocean. So either it is a flood vehicle of some type or a transplant from the rust belt, in which case why bother with it when there are lots of other vehicles without those issues? If I saw the under body rust I wouldn't give the vehicle a second glance. And yes, I would have looked under the car and spotted it. Cars with holes rusted through the exterior would be, at best, parts vehicles. I vaguely recall seeing a few in the LKQ lot, but it is a rarity even there. If I had to guess the ratio of wrecked cars to rusted out cars in that lot is greater than 100 to 1. For comparison, wrecked cars to cars probably in for mechanical problems (no obvious collision damage) is more like 3 to 1. That's over all cars, the number of Prius's is too small to even estimate these ratios.