My 2014 Prius Plug In Base is totaled. I was at stopped at a crosswalk and the driver behind me just slammed into me. Luckily the child in the crosswalk just entered and was sage. It was and is a sad day today. I got the call from my insurance company that it is considered totaled. 120k miles and it has been the most reliable car I have ever had. I used to use the plug in battery for the 1st 4 years of the car and the last 8 years I used the car as a gas only Prius. The insurance is offering me about $14,000 total (taxes included) for the car. I am located in NorCal. Do you think this was a fair comparison price for my car? I think my Plug in Battery would still be very good. Also I had Clazzio car seat covers on the car within the 1st month so the cloth seats should still be excellent. I still need to talk to the adjuster if you guys think I should ask for more. I really am going to miss this car and the great fuel mileage and no car payments. However I guess I will need to make car payments again. Thinking about a Prius Prime but the markup in Northern California is like 7-9k dollars.
We had a different situation for ours getting totalled but it is also a 2014 pip. We were flooded with hurricane Ian. Our van went bonkers because it was submerged way deep in the flood waters. Our Prius we had up on oil change ramps and only the back wheel was half submerged. I drove it fine after that but noticed it was beginning to smell musty after a week. Brought it into Toyota just to get it checked out and they found mold under the back carpets. So we had all the "juke" carpets and regular floor mats removed but all the electronics were fine! So we qualified for it being totalled due to mold but we knew we could just get it retitled as salvage legally. But when we got the estimated check from our insurance, they said the salvage value of the car was $7500!! I called bullshit! I asked if I could get comparable quotes and they said sure. I found one on wheelzy doot com for only $750 so we received almost a full value check PLUS a working vehicle with a shadowy future. After 18 months it's still running great. Only trouble is that it was flagged as salvage so it doesn't qualify for Toyota's voluntary CCP so we had to pay for a known issue with a brake booster pump recently. $2000!! Gah! but considering we received the payout long ago, it's fine. Only at $95,000 miles. So bottom line is I would be wary of estimates from insurance companies. Even if you don't "buy back" your car from them.
Not bad. I doubt any of these are the plug-in, not sure of the premium (if any) for that. Prices in CDN $'s. 2014 Toyota Prius for sale | (kms are listed at top of each ad)
Sounds very good to me. $1000. more than I paid for my '12 PIP Advanced with 40k miles seven years ago. Times have changed.
I searched Sonoma for 2014 PiP on Edmonds and CarGuru. 100k miles and above tend to list for less, but I also saw a 54K and 78K for 13,999 at carguru. Edmonds was all over the place price wise in Sonoma area. While I was at it I took a quick look at Corolla and Prius Prime because I was curious.