hello, I am the owner of a prius 2, in short the hv battery has failed again, probably hs cells again, I took it apart and I said to myself, I have golf 8 GTE lithium batteries, each battery is 43v and 37 amps, I said to myself if I put 5 in series I would arrive at 215v and 37amp and I connect directly instead of the hv battery? Do you think this will work? , also I had another question, I have a reversing camera but no radar that detects obstacles? it's normal ? how to activate it on the prius? because I prefer sound to camera, it's more effective, thank you very much for the answers and sorry for the inconvenience
Some guy did something similar years ago with very similar voltages I do believe that you're discussing here I can't think of the name of the company that he had but some people have done similar then you have to figure out where the battery is going to sit and how you're going to mount it etc. And then you have a backup camera and you want something to alert you to things before you back up into them I'm not sure how you would make that happen with another camera and system I would imagine Not sure how you will integrate that into the Toyota other than the other system would have some kind of output to make the collision avoidance notations or tones come out of the speaker which would probably be supplied by the collision avoidance detection manufacturer I would think. I mean with such a small car seems well to me kind of pointless but I understand.
No it will not work, but you can try it and see if you start a nice big fire in the back of your Prius. You need to fix the HV battery correctly or sell the Prius and buy a different car.
I'm not sure if this is really the thing our system is a 211 volt DC system It commonly is charged by aftermarket charges in shops at 300 volts or close to it and then you watch the charger and when there's no change in charge by the meter that's on the charger in 5 minutes if you don't go up a volt or whatever then generally you turn the charger off and disconnect it and then go to the discharge step and allowed discharge at X amount of rated discharge and then recharge again at the same 300 volt rate and checking your charger until you have no change on your charger or battery going up in a 5-minute period then you stop disconnect the charger and this is on a regular Toyota pack I have the charger sitting right here but it doesn't cause any fires if you start overcharging the Prius battery it'll heat up is what you'll feel it if you're charging it like you're supposed to and it gets up to the proper voltage you know anywhere 211 to 2:30 somewhere in there is where mine will be I do believe and then it doesn't make any changes for that 5 minutes I know it's charged according to the charger manufacture . There was a guy that had some batteries that he made up or something that did work actually quite well there was some other problems I don't think fires were it I can't remember the name of the company but this guy here Michael Evans up in the Maryland area has an '04 with this battery setup in it and apparently it does very well I haven't seen it I don't know there's a thread here where he's talking about a head gasket problem in a generation too and he mentions the company and the battery.
Hi it's not logical, why will there be a fire? the battery that I put in its place is very solid, since it is VOLKSWAGEN golf 8 GTE electric car batteries, in 37 amps, the cables are significantly larger than those of the prius battery!! so no risk of fire? THANKS
Man they've had guys power their house off the batteries off of Prius Don't know exactly how it was done Don't really care I have a diesel generator so I don't really need to do that but stuff like that's been done without any fires I don't know why everybody so worried about fires I mean if you run things so hard you put them in a duty cycle situation where overheating and fires are possible well I guess that's kind of on you for not monitoring your equipment or what have you batteries get hot and things like that long before fires are invoked so I guess people just not checking on their stuff during emergency times of use is probably a bad thing I know when the power's out at my house and my generators running I'm in a heightened state of alert more so than when everything is normal and the generator is not on because anything can happen at any time the generator could catch on fire then it just you name it wires could melt system could shut down all of those things lucky I have a full duty cycle military type generator that's made to run in 140° heat 24/7 till it dies and it's never seen any of that kind of conditioning It's just sitting here in central North Carolina where it's very reasonable.
I'll preface this by stating I do not know what type of 'lithium' battery is installed in the Golf, other than the general term used of 'lithium'. But, based on this information: it's not logical, why will there be a fire? the battery that I put in its place is very solid, since it is VOLKSWAGEN golf 8 GTE electric car batteries, in 37 amps, the cables are significantly larger than those of the prius battery!! so no risk of fire? THANKS Good enough then..Remove the NiMH HV battery from the car, and install the LITHIUM batteries in their place. Everything in the control system for the Prius HV battery is developed and designed for NiMH, but do it anyway. It may work great......or it may burn your car to the ground (and everything around it) one night while you're sleeping..keep us updated, but don't ask for advice and then fight against what is provided. Why would a potential for fire exist? Yes, lithium is a very very very small fire hazard, but now you're putting it in a charging/discharging system that isn't designed for lithium. I would assume the risk of fire changes also. I sure as F would not install it into one of my Gen 2s and then park that car it in my garage or near anything I cared about.
I have not done any research on the 5 Golf lithium batteries that you would use to replace the 28 NiMH Toyota modules. Like TMR-JWAP already stated, the Prius BMS is designed for NiMH battery modules, not for a lithium battery. So, I will ask you to answer a few questions. 1. What is the capacity (kWh) of the 5 Golf lithium batteries vs. the 28 NiMH Toyota battery modules? 2. The Prius BMS can charge or discharge the stock Toyota battery up to 100 amps. Are the Golf batteries capable of these high charge and discharge currents? 3. Toyota uses 15 voltage sensing wires connected between the standard battery modules and the battery ECU. How are you going to connect these 15 wires to the 5 Golf batteries?