I found this small rubber hinged part last night under the driver's seat of my 2008 Prius. I was surprised to find it as I keep the car tidy and have never seen it before, it just suddenly showed up. It appears to be a rubber access cover for some sort of port or switch, though I am unable to determine from where it came. It looks to be exactly the same material and form factor as the rubber cover that protects the AUX audio port inside the center console, but that cover is present on my car so this obviously came from someplace else. Does anyone recognize it and can you help me figure out where it goes? Very much appreciated!
I'm not absolutely certain that that goes to your car It looks like a screw goes through the middle or something. Like to mount something down or to hold a lanyard or I don't know It just doesn't look like it goes to the interior of a generation 2 Prius your interior is black?.
Thanks for your reply. My interior is gray, but much of the interior trim is black. I'm 99.9% sure it does belong to the car. As mentioned in my original post, it appears to be exactly the same part as the access cover for the AUX IN port in the center console. The only apparent difference is that it does not say "AUX IN" on it. It would be quite a coincidence if it belonged to something else other than my Prius, although I suppose anything is possible.
Does your auxiliary in cover in your center console have a hole in the middle like that does I'll have to go out and look at the three I have here I've never paid attention to the cover for the auxiliary import I think they're all closed and probably never been used at least not here but I will do that soon as it gets light out I'll have to remember to look in the console I don't think anything else on the car like that has a cover on it the one under the dash of course is round because it's a cigarette lighter port and that's all I can think of actually enough taking these car out all the way down to the seats being out a few of them so not sure exactly maybe somebody lost that one and replace the one in the console and now you found it wasn't it under the seat and the loaded car that's where other things are too under the seat sometimes things will get down there and not be seen for years possibly.
That looks like part of a plastic hinge. The two protruding arms would go into cylinders, or maybe snap into C cross section cylinders, and the other part would screw into whatever was being hinged to rotate (some) around that axis. Looks way too small for the sunshade. Maybe part of the eyeglass holder near the rear view mirror? Or maybe part of the hinge for the top of the center console? (Not near my car now, cannot go and look.)
Well, I looked all over the center console and dash today and didn't find that piece. Maybe it is part of a broken cell phone holder? Those often have a tilt adjustment.