I’ve replaced the 12v with a factory fresh toyota true start I’ve also checked and replaced all the 7.5a blade fuses under the steering wheel Do I have the dash capacitor problem? My dash is totally fine at the moment iPhone ?
The CM monitor display which is the display that is showing you your speed and your gas gauge and that part of the electronics package A lot of things run through the CM monitor and when the CM monitor capacitors begin to act up and start to fail strange things can go on in related systems similar to the way sciatica works on your back and the back of your leg and so on and so forth removing it's not going to tell you John q public generally anything other than that you're looking at it and it's a circuit board it's green and has a bunch of circuitry and componentry soldered to it I guess if you get out your DVLM or multimeter with the right settings engaged and all you can test somewhat these capacitors with YouTube videos and pictures of that board removed from your car and then you could test the capacitors like the person in the video and if the readings aren't correct or very much more than a few percent You've generally found your problem there are a few capacitors that generally get replaced by people in the know of what they're doing You can buy a complete CM monitor display from Texas hybrids and Texas for $175 with a $25 return core or whatever it is and well that's that We did this to the $700 silver car and it fixed the display all in one shot only taking apart one time no soldering no playing around no re-removing to do it again if we mess up etc It was worth that to me just to do it once even though removing the dash is a 45-minute job the plastics are very brittle to vents tend to break so on and so forth and then you have to round up the parts that have fallen apart upon removal especially the vents they're very difficult to remove without breaking at least one or two of them are you'll get two of them out and two of them will crack whatever If you can live without them wonderful car looks kind of funny It's one thing to drive an old car around looks like it's in perfect condition and things are intact and together quite another to drive one around with vents broken and looking like Mr I don't know who Fred Sanford or something. At least for a lot of folks anyway.
Yes, it is highly likely. The improved voltage pushes a suspect CM over the edge. Do a code scan and if you see a B1271 that confirms the CM fails to start.
Funny thing about this problem is though my '09 had this problem for 3 years I never knew they're even was a code for the CM monitor because this car never had it when the dash was alive and working when the dash was black and I was still driving no code had other codes for the catalyst below threshold and other things with the dash on or off but never had the CM monitor code I didn't even know that code existed until I had another '07 that had the CM monitor code and no CM monitor display did the same things that I did to the '09 to reset the display and I noticed it would immediately be off the next time I shut off the car then I discovered that leaving a piece of cardboard over the trunk latch and leaving the red door open light on the dash on mint when I came out in the morning I would have a display so I did this for about a year. And then one day I just decided to buy the Texas hybrids CM monitor display that they repair installed it on the car code went away the CM monitor has never worked better. In the '09 car that never had the code I reset the display by moving the ground wire against the rear frame rail underneath the rear right tail light and it's been on for the last 3 years this is the car that never had a code.
Is it your combination meter (the dash that has the speedometer) or the MFD (the small 'TV' in the center of the dash)? If it's just the MFD, then the MFD is failing and will need to be replaced. If it's the CM, then you have the capacitor problem.
It’s the MFD that is “offline” I thought it was the 12v but my 12v tested “good” but I replaced it anyway since it was 2017 battery from toyota so it was near EOL Ironically before I physically swapped out the battery the MFD had been turning on consistently After the battery change the MFD comes on every now and then. But the reason I thought it was something else is bc the obd2 is not pulling enough power to power my WiFi elm327 dongle so right now I can’t even scan any codes Also occasionally the rear trunk won’t respond and occasionally I’ll have to use the key slot instead of the smart key to turn on the car It’s an 09 with 247k mostly trouble free miles iPhone ?
So I replaced 2 caps 10uf and the 100uf with a 220uf 35v Panasonic (both of them) - both of them read open I didn’t bother replacing the 330uf bc it was still good Initially the mfd powered right up but occasionally it will go black again Its weird it’s so inconsistent iPhone ?
See post #7 The mfd blacking out is not an uncommon problem. Pop it out, get the number off the label on back and just get a replacement from ebay or similar.
Techstream will definitely show this code if it there, but other capable scanners that can read the body ECU should be able to show it as well. As for your ELM327 device, I couldn't say.