I had a 2010 prius hatchback with 73K miles that worked great, untill I hit a deer and totaled it out. So, now I bought an 2012 prius hatchback with a higher miles and a bad head gasket. I want to swap my low-lileage 2010 engine into the 2012. Everything looks the same, but I would like to know if this will be a straight swap-out or is there anything else I need to consider before I do it?
straight forward swap. When the engine is out, clear out the EGR circuit and clean the cooler. I personally would reseal the timing chain cover too.
Yeah and if you're not paying for that to be done and you're doing it at home and your driveway so on you'll have about just close to 100,000 miles of driving until the same thing happens that's already happened to the one you're changing as long as you're good with that you're good to go pretty much.
Sounds good. Thanks for the help. Doing it myself in my garage. I was wondering if I should clean the EGR system, but now I will. Checked timing cover and it was perfectly clean so I don't want to mess that up. Hoping for about 140K out of it after swap.
Thanks for the advice. I went ahead with the swap. Took a little longer than planned, mostly due to the difficult unplugging of the electric harness plugs, and also prying the engine away from the transmission. Everthing was the same on the engines. It went mostly as planned and I am now on the road.
Update. After doing the swap, I would occasionally get a check engine light on and a code saying there was a problem with my upstream O2 sensor (also known as the AFR sensor or Air Fuel Ratio Sensor). Reason was because I when I swapped engines, I left the exhaust manifolds on engines, which contained the O2 sensors. It turned out that O2 (AFR) sensor for the 2012 engine is different than the 2010 engine. So I swapped the O2 sensors and now things are all good.