My 2012 Prius C has 322,000 miles on it and other than the oil pan plug, it has never had a wrench turned on it until now. Original hybrid batteries lasted 320,000 miles and I replaced with refurbished batteries and am very pleased with them so far. The antilock brake pump has gone out and I found an ABS pump/Actuator for 225.00 that has been tested as opposed to the dealership's price quote of 3,500.00. Problem is that the shop that can install it tells me the ABS pump has to be programmed to my vehicle by a Toyota dealer and the local dealership will not program a used one. Does this sound right, or even lawful? This car gets 50 mpg and even 45 mpg when you drive it hard. I'm willing to spend 500 to 700 to get this fixed but in no way will I spend around 4,000. Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
That is a lie, the pump does not has to be reprogramed, i replaced both the brake booster and brake pump assembly on mine and no reprograming was needed.
@Sonic_TH want to share how you bleed the brakes in your Prius C without techstream. ABS break pump failure | Page 2 | PriusChat It's usually very important to bleed the brakes using techstream so you know if the booster and actuator got installed and bleed correctly or not.
I bleed the brakes by having someone pressing on the brake pedal, while i opened the valves to let the air out, but i did that just to have functioning brakes so i could take the car to a mechanic shop that has access to techstream. I took the car there and they bleed the brakes using techstream.
Do you remember about how much brake fluid it took to prime the actuator and pump before the brakes started working? Did you worry about the pump or actuator while driving to the shop?
It was not much brake fluid, probably like 1 full water bottle worth of it, like 17 OZ. I did not worried about the brake pump or actuator, because the pump was not running constantly so i knew that it was holding pressure. I still drove slow just in case there was air in the lines i tried to bleed, i did not trusted the brakes still to go too fast, my max speed was probably like 30 mp/h.