I have a 2014 Prius Three that is on 98k+ miles right now. I am wondering if it is a good time to sell the car and get a new Prius. I am eyeing on 2023 onward (love the design!), but don't think buying a brand new car is a great financial decision. On the other hand, I am concerned my current Prius price will significantly drop if I wait and sell it after 100k. If the used market for 2023 doesn't drop as much as the value of my 2014, then waiting would be a bad decision. FYI, I never had to service my 2014 Prius except for oil/12v battery change and it still runs great. Opinion?
I think you should sell it if you want a new car. If you just want to keep it, you would have to save $10000 for repairs down the road. These repairs would include the maintenance items, shocks, struts, brakes, etc. And three major failures when they arise, Head Gasket, HV battery, and brake booster.
When my 2011 Gen3 was reaching 100k I spoke with the Service Manager of our dealership, and I asked him. His response was to wait till you reach 300k.
I would think that any Service Department commissions would be generated from vehicles going there for work to be done.
Yes but oil changes for cars under 100k miles gets you very little. But engine replacements, brake jobs, shocks, etc that gets your boat payment paid Three hours of diagnostic time on a Prius is almost $500, forget about the actual repair work
What I am trying to understand is 1. If resale value of a used Prius go significantly low after 100k. 2. What is the best time to replace it if I don't wanna go through any repair hassle?
Luckily these cars hold up quite well up until 150k miles. Resale value doesn't get affected much from 100k - 150k miles. The year probably is more of a factor and what repairs have been done from 100k onward
Obviously the more miles you pile the faster it depreciates. I think buy the new one and keep the other so saving gas will cost twice as more!!!
Agree The op has a ten year old car that will eventually let him down. If he values reliability and safety he should sell the 2014 and get a new one.
I wouldn't be buying a new A engine Prius whatever it is the new thing that's out now I wouldn't trust it like I don't trust the two ZZ Atkinson. And yes at 100,000 miles it's time to start considering running from that car no matter what you do don't you be stuck with it when it's time to put an engine head gasket lower in reciprocating mass whatever it is it's way more than the cars worth If you look at these cars you'll see them sitting around and people's yards on the marketplace needing just this service and many of them are not getting fixed look at the splits in the front air dam dents in the side of the vehicle. Door panels caving in armrest plastics broken All of this stuff is costly You won't get it off of used car in a junkyard because they're all broken in the same place this is not rocket science these cars don't have new unknown problems 13 years in just not how this works I have two generation 3s here both the women love them very much they're also both broken down and the women have no money to fix them they are also both driving generation twos that never have any problem so to speak of like the generation 3 has and the generation Tuesday are driving are loaded leather JBL cars and the threes they were driving not so much. The generation twos are in perfect condition and never let these ladies down the generation 3s they didn't even put 60,000 mi on when they bought them engines failed both of the needing five to $8,000 engine replacements and all of that One girl smokes and the whole interior of her car is well the color of cigarette smoke so that interior's ruined basically I would get out of the car as fast as possible and I wouldn't be looking to buy a 2023 Prius going forward either or you'll be getting rid of that car probably as fast as the generation 3 you're considering dumping now and I would do that quickly and if I had to have a Prius just because I had to I would have an '09 generation 2 is loaded as I could get it like the three I have here and then my next choice would be a Yaris or a Corolla not hybrid You just want to stay away from the Atkinson cycle and probably the A series engine going forward in the 2023
1st thing to understand is that things aren't normal for used cars right now. So there isn't a clearly defined pattern for you to blend into. 2nd thing is that it is still a used car, and 10 years is still a reasonable time to get out of a used car. You've clearly extracted value from it and left some for the next owner as well. 3rd thing is that the new models are unlikely to get price cuts going forward. So you will naturally lose value off the old one by waiting, but you aren't likely to catch a break on the new one. Make your move sooner for money sense.
What's it's overall condition, fairly pristine, or no? Would you be ok with DIY cleaning the EGR, or no? If no for one or both, I'd be inclined to sell.
Keep it. I bought my 2011 at just over 100k miles before covid hit for under 10k. Been near perfect ever since and getting a steady 36mpg city. Still waiting for the hybrid battery to fail to replace it.
36 mpg? Something is wrong...I got 47.5 doing 70-80 mph on a trip from NC to West Palm Beach. City driving should get better mpg than highway. How many miles does it have now?
Steady 36 mpg in city Man, what you doing with that car, towing a semi trailer? I get mid 50s on highway doing 70 mph with the A/C running. I get 60s in city.
To the OP, Trust your vehicle, they are rated for 200k on any day, and 300k if you are a risk taker. I got my Gen3 at 142k miles (7 years old at the time). Nothing happened for 6 years 53k miles. The first problem I encountered was at 195k. Battery modules started going bad. I replaced several and continued driving. Shortly after, I had an ignition coil failure (a rare incident). The cost was under $100. I diagnosed and repaired it. She is at 203k now and running like the first day except for the struts and shocks. The best vehicle I purchased to date.