Hi all I need your help. I am in nc coming back from a road trip. I suddenly got the p0a93 code. The car is running fine however I can't get dr prius to pick up my scanner si I can see the car temp. Can I srive it another 6 hours so I can get the mechanic I know to look at it?
Well it should be down in the '50s about now it was near 70 today You should be good to drive 6 hours I would think unless you're really pushing it hard but I doubt it I would say drive on That's just the inverter pump If it gets too hot it will throttle back charging but I doubt that's going to happen at night in the current weather I drove a car for months with the bad inverter pump
Rocky Mount you were 40 minutes from my house of course now you're in Florida I would imagine should have nothing happened in the evening should have got to Florida without any problems at least from the inverter unless you are pushing 80 mile an hour speeds all the way.
Update. Thanks to all who offered help. I made some phone calls and 1st ended up at black tire. They could fix it with a after market park for 500 something. I requested a toyota part. They called the dealerahip down the street. They did not have it in stock. I called the next closest dealership in sc. They had it in stock. I drove there got it and went to midas. I asked them if thwy would put it in for me. They couldnt do it that day and wanted dealership prices. I was reffered to go to jiffy lube behind them. Jiffy reffered me to a independant master technitition. Who put it in for me for 150.00. I drove back to fl without incidents. Lessons learned google independant certified toyota mechanics. They are a dime a dozen.
You're talking about for an inverter pump I take it yeah I mean it's I don't even know $160 part Toyota branded online or ordered that way through Toyota online and picked up at the store and then gosh I wouldn't think I would charge $150 to put the inverter pump on that's less than 30 minutes on a good day maybe 45 on a bad seriously that's a quick three screws two clamps and out that fast but that's a good lick for the mechanic no question and you were happy to pay so there you go and now the green cars back on and fluid is moving and you can go as fast as the car can go.