I’m trying to repair my own head gasket. It’s been a nightmare, but I have everything out. I got the head resurfaced but I’m afraid there’s metal shavings in it now. anyways, I really need a repair manual.
I think that stops several years ago now it's all on a tablet or a computer or what have you so you either have a junkie tablet that sits on your workbench that's now your manual for everything in the world that you pay to have it on there or however you look at that. I do would love to have manuals I don't know what year that stopped but I think I might be able to get the three manual set or something like that for my '09 but I don't think for 2010 I think is when that all got kind of ugly but I'm not positive of that but I think so.
It may be possible to buy a 2ZZ engine repair manual or repair documentation if it had to be digital I guess usually there were manuals and documentation for engine repair processes so you didn't have to buy the $300 manual or sets of manuals or whatever You could at one point just get an engine manual from Toyota for the given engine you had.
Stoddard solution flush out the crevices and let it rip. Make sure cam saddles and wear spots are clear wiped down assembly lube applied the camshaft and caps fitted etc so on and so forth The valves and whatnot should be okay as before they get installed all the holes in ways get cleaned wiped air blasted etc dipped and stoddard solution or something so they are clean and oil-free All just to be oiled again and put together kind of funny.