This is one of the most beautiful housecats I've seen. Of course, Leonardo was better, but that's because he was mine (he looked a lot like my avatar). And I'd rather have a spotted leopard or a Bengal tiger. But that's so impractical it borders on impossible. Check out this cat.
I adore most cats. Had a lovely kitten for two days but the dog threw a hissy fit so the kitten couldn't stay. Now the big cat that harrassed a couple of the neighbor horse fans makes me a bit nervous. I have changed my walking pattern even though logically I know it is not interested in humans and probably would not still be in the area. I have a magnet courtesy of my grandson, Shows a Lion with the words, Here Human, Human.
Clearly Daniel you have gone into an area that will probably surpass all Prius posts...Meet my two cats Kenton the gray tabby and Cowboy the orange one... about 6 years old said, to be brothers.. got them about two years ago from the used cat store.. they are a lot of fun.. don't miss meals as Kenton is a BIG kitty at 16 lbs and Cowboy is 12 lbs... thanks for the topic....Bob
I love cats (not to mention dogs and other animals). We have three kitties - Sammy, Lily, and Hankie. (see pics below). My partner and I have worked with a rescue group in the DC area for over two years now, and unfortunately due to politics becoming too much stress, the group we were with split up. The good news is that we are now working on a new club that is a coalition of animal rescue groups. I'm just about done setting up a calendar for 2005 (which I've done the past two years for the former group I worked with), with pics from 6 different rescue groups - one is a horse rescue group, one deals specifically with Irish setters, and the others work with both saving cats and dogs. Thanks to my boss, the print run is free for the calendars which means a decent amount of money for each group, but of course their expenses greatly outweigh their income and they're always doing fundraising events throughout the year. Anyway, I do all I can to help those animals in need, and I'm thankful to be a part of it all - both Lily and Hankie were rescued from 'death row' at animal shelters by the groups we adopted them from. Hank was no more than a few months old, and the shelter was to put down his mother and 4 siblings. Fortunately we found homes for them all and that never came to pass. Hank is shaved in the picture because his long hair was matted too much to brush out. It's a daily chore keeping his hair long and beautiful as it is now (that pic was from last november). So, without further delay, here are the pics of our kids: -m.
I'll let my wife tell the 'tail' of Yum Yum... Hello Yes, this is our adorable Siamese cat Yum Yum . I named her after the Siamese cat in the Lillian Jackson Braun book series titled 'The Cat Who....." Each of these stories feature a newspaper journalist that solves mysteries with the aid of his two Siamese cats named Ko Ko and Yum Yum . Hope you enjoy the picture of our 'baby' . God Bless Holly ... also you know why we want Seaside blue. To match her eyes.
Our cats Here's our gang: Kintsu, posing for the camera - full name Darling Isis' China Girl (yes, after Bowie's song), a black smoke Cornish Rex female. Dimmu, short for Disaster, tasting fresh ice cold winter air in a cage that extends from the back of our apartment - full name Dunderkattens Jasmine, a black and white Norwegian Forest Cat female. Dammu, short for Damage, in a wall-mounted running wheel - full name Atelier's Viridi Ann, a tortoise shell and white Norwegian Forest Cat female and absolutely gorgeous!
Extra extra! A friend would like to say hello! :mrgreen: Don't really remember the fellas name, but he/she is one of the Abyssinian Cats I've photographer throughout their first 3 months.
Oh man, they finally did it, they started a cute animal thread. I'll need to get some pics of MY cats (I can't believe I don't have any right off hand) but one of the breeds I find to be stunningly gorgeous is the Egyptian mau. I also included a picture of a mini-akita. (YES I KNOW it's a dog, but if I ever had a dog it would have to be cat SIZED and you have to admit that this one is PRECIOUS!!)
Infinitecat made me :rofl: It's the silliest thing I've seen in a long time. I also stumbled across today. :lol:
Here are my two cats. Zorro (black and white with the mask) is about 16 and was a shelter cat adopted at a cat show my first year of marriage. Mookie ("Sunfall's Grand Premier Milky Way") is a retired show cat adopted in February, 2003. I think Mookie looks a lot like RFlagg's Hankie. For those of you local to the DC Metro about a little Prius roundup at the National Capital Cat Show on Saturday Sept 11 (the show runs Sunday as well but I can't make it then)? We can share two obsessions at once!
My cats many years ago....around 12 years I would say Here are my two babies when they were about a year old, or at least the abby is a year old. The abby is gone now but I still have the other. they just had to share everything shona
This just in... We were offered a beautiful blue creme Cornish Rex today for breeding and show use - and of course as a pet. She's from the same cattery as China Girl and her name is Marie A. (as in David Bowie's "Remembering Marie A." in the album "in Bertolt Brecht's BAAL"). Should we take her? Any opinions? Please? :mrgreen:
I'm not sure how you'd describe my partner and myself. We are cat people -- we enjoy a pet that expects you to make an effort to appease it. That has a personality more complex than many people we know. That assumes all the universe revolves around it. However, rather than dealing with the muss and fuss of having our own, we've learned to live off of the cats of our neighbors. There are at least 10 cats within the 1-block radius of our house, and (except for the ones who are "indoor cats" -- whom we wave to and, thus, perplex) they all congregate around our house. The enjoyment of sitting on the front steps of your house, petting a cat and knowing that you're not having to empty out a sandbox for the privilege, is a simple and fundamental pleasure. I guess we're kinda like grandparents, but without having gone through the difficult "having kids ourselves" stage to get there.
Re: My cats many years ago....around 12 years I would say Is the white one an Angora? My sister had one. Very affectionate kitty. Short haired for the first year (like an Afghan hound) then long haired for the rest of her 15 years. I got the cat when my sister and B-i-L moved to Hawaii for 2 years, they couldn't see putting her in quarantine for 4 or 5 months. Beautiful cat, except at bath time, then she looked like a drowned rat. You'ld never guess how small that cat really was when you saw her dry!
cats... Well, here go our three cats, Sputnik, Biscuit and Sidra! They have all been adopted from shelters and are completely entertaining. Our blind pug sometimes has problems 'walking' into or onto them. And for the most part they all get along. Enjoy! Drive fun, drive clean, drive Prius.
All depends on the cat. If the cat hates it, it's abuse. If the cat likes it, it's fun and games. Cats are so weird. I once had a cat that loved being held upside down by her feet. She'd just look all around and purr.
For those of you with multiple cats: My wife thinks we need a second, if for no other reason than to keep the first company when we aren't home. There is a front declawed (requirement in my house) shorthair at the Humane Society. So far so good. Noel (he was a Christmas presant) is house bound and has a fit if neighborhood cats come in the yard, especially if they come up the steps. Now the question: Is it likely he hates all cats or would he maybe accept one if it was gently introduced in the house? He is the most good natured cat around people I've ever seen. Thanks