Just bought 7 EV-Peak CQ3 charges to work with Prius batteries. Some of the ports are writing very very litthle mah numbers (like 400-500mah) after finished the process. When i get these little numbers the whole process usually takes only 1-2 hours. Some other ports working perfect as it should. I'm using these settings: NiMH settings: Charge Man: Current - 4.0 A Charge Auto: Cur Limit - 4.0 A Discharge: 1.0A, 6.1V Cycle: D to C, C+4.0 A D=1.0A, 1 User Settings: Precharge time: Off 2min Wait time: Chg>Dschrg, 5min 'Sensitivity: D. Peak Default NiCd sensitivity D. Peak deafult Temp cut-off: On 80C Capactiy cut-off: On, 7500 mAh Input power low: Ciut-off 10.0'v rest of settings don't matter I've tried to change discharge charge cycles to 3 but same happened. Always very little numbers. What can be the problem? Maybe with the wires i'm using?
Hello, I know it was about a month ago but did you found the reason? I think what you missed is to turn off the timer limit, which usually set to 120 minutes.
What gauge wires are you using and what style connections at the module terminals? Change your discharge setpoint voltage to no higher than 5.8 volts. Remember this is the voltage at the charger, not at the module. If you have small wires, your voltage drops are going to be large. You should be using a minimum of 16 gauge wire. Change your sensitivity to 20mv. Another possibility is you have some modules that are junk. You can test that theory by manually charging the module for an hour and then doing a discharge.
Morning! Few days ago I asked you some questions in Just Another HV Battery Thread and Experiments, I don't know if you seen them or not, but can you tell me what wires you've been using (what store? where is the best place to buy a good quality wires?) and style of connectors is the best? I ordered 3 of the EV-Peak 4x Chargers and I want to prepare the wires for it. Thank you!
I purchased 16 gauge speaker wire from Lowes. It comes as 2 wires bonded together with one wire having a white stripe its entire length. I use the white stripe wire for the (-). Use banana connectors on the end that attaches to the charger (black for - and red for + wires). The end that attaches to the modules use crimp on U shaped spades.